Have you played legacy of kain?

have you played legacy of kain?

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the first one

Yes, and the prose with its delivery is great.
Kurt Harland also rocks: youtu.be/wEXhGoM7kZQ

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Blood Omen was the best. I preferred it to all the others that came after

Absolute ear porn levels of narration.

no, shut up aaron.


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Soul Reaver

I have played on ps one, one of first games i ever played. cant remember if i finished it or not but it is a damn good game for its time.


Soul Reaver and Legacy of Kain were my shit back in middle school. Guess my age, faggots.

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around 34.


ooh you're almost a wizard.

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Well I played both of those as a kid too. I'm not sure what age middle school is but I'm 30 so probably around that age too.

Anyone else read OP's pic in Raziels voice?

I've been meaning to play the series for a while now, but never got around to it.
So what's the correct order to play them in, chronologically? Or is there some other method that makes for a better play experience?


the dreamcast version was better

play on dreamcast

even now i dont know how the f a game like blood omen ever got played let alone sequels for with all the infuriating loading times

That one left a strong impression on me when I played it back in the day as well. The entire series is great though - it is well known but still somehow underrated. Like the user earlier said, the delivery of the story is just excellent in these games. Whenever I hear game devs say that good storytelling is hard in games because of gameplay elements, I think of this game and cannot help but feel like they are full of shit and lazy.

And if I don't have a dreamcast?

there was a pc version as well.

Nice game it was

emulate it

Played Soul Reaver back in the day, more recently (like...still qualifies as "back in the day" recently) played Soul Reaver 2, Defiance, and Blood Omen 2.

Soul Reaver 1/2 may be a bit dated, but it's still playable. Defiance was pretty good. Holy shit though Blood Omen 2 is clunky as hell and I have literally no desire to play it again.

Blood Omen 1/2, Soul Reaver 1/2, then Defiance. Both in chronological order and in order of most shit > least shit.

>Anyone else read OP's pic in Raziels voice?

I can almost see the scene where that monologue takes place, even.

not just one of the greatest games of its time but one of the greatest of all time

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Yeah, these games were awesome.
Unfortunately they haven't aged particularly well.

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played all the games, still wish they'd finish it up. immersive story, great gameplay, superb voice acting...easily one of my favorite series from the 2000s.

Definitely a series in need of a reboot. Make it a trilogy, I'll preorder for $300