When were you when you found out about poop baby

When were you when you found out about poop baby

Attached: 7E68E962-66F7-4670-914D-EFF2095B86B1.jpg (480x591, 37.21K)

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Poop baby

> poop baby

Attached: banus.jpg (192x192, 3.36K)

>poop baby
so black?

Asshole baby, a future OP on Zig Forums for sure

they said poop baby is kill.


>poop baby
This is offensive. Zhis name is Brich.

Fucking with nature is wrong

seems like legit articles.

As a gay man my life partner and I decided to have a baby. I am going to be the one wearing a progressively heavier tummy bump for the entire 9 months. In the beginning I will also be using Syrup of Ipecac for the first month to get the morning sickness feeling so I can feel the entire natural birth process. I am so happy even thinking about this! This will all be filmed as well with professional equipment, dare I say more and give anything away!

Attached: deleteme.png (477x583, 542.17K)