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Random #8358
Waifu Plinking Range
B/ros - I want to move to, and live in, a society that is as close to Nazi Germany as possible - where do I go?
I'm fucked
2 = vegetable
Ylyl milhouse edition
Wonder how much of your girl is online...
I have cut this wart out 3 times, used wart removal stuff from walmarr...
Post favorite GDP girls/moments/videos
FB/Insta Thread?
Anons that have posted girls they know
New Red pill me on him. Did he do it?
Dubs = post ass
Fun fact: Biden wants war against Syria. Which would do nothing, except spark WWIII
Who among you did nofap challenge for long time and had no results/improvements? is it just a meme?
Free psycotherapy thread !
Why you still hasn't took the suicide pill user?
Caturday all day
Looking for more Kaitleen Shee / other busty asians
Drunk and ready to expose my shy wife to the world
We all know that Taffy is our King
A 16/15 year old girl keeps coming onto me telling me im like a role figure, she looks up to me etc...
Guess I'LL be making the loli thread then
Me, a 23 year old incel just had sex for the first time
Do black girls like white cock?
Hunger games thread
Diaper girls thread
Is she retart?
1. How do you like your steak?
I want to thank INDIA and JAPAN for signing a MILITARY alliance against CHINA...
Why no one told me Taylor swift has a big cock?
Have you ever been jealous of another dude's endowment? why or why not... how did you deal with it?
What do?
What do you do?
Yall like big lip bimbos?
Be femanon
Drawthread: Pals edition
Good job mods
Dick r8 thread I start
Say my name
Deutscher Faden
I'm posting this in the hopes that oldfags see my request. Newfags don't even need to reply...
My brother is dating this girl, do you think she’s hot?
Smokes weed every single day
Are you happy now, Antifa?
Loli thread
Trips and I'll post myself masturbating with live worms
Is there any good reason for a grown man to watch the movie cuties on netflix?
This is what the left is trying to normalize
Why are niggers allowed to live in civilized nations? in america...
If you are white, do you have any non-white friends?
Continued from: >>835884618
Bought lsd is this fake?
People you automatically fucking hate
Celeb Thread - /How do I downvote?/ edition
Shota thread?
Take a pepe, leave a pepe
This is Zig Forums kid
Im a first year med student and i realized most of these niggers are egotistic motherfuckers
Hey so what do you guys want to talk about
Is this the most beautiful woman you've ever seen?
Be liberal
What's the nearest big city to you ?
Why did liberals ruin the NFL?
Waifu thread
Antifa rekt thread
Fucked an escort yesterday. Was my first experience. AMA
Ylyl webm edition
How fucked is this length ;_;
Hey Zig Forums I need help to buy a new pc case and psu...
Poop dinner
This asian cumslut should start doing porn again nothing is stopping her now...
6%. Nevar forgetti
Built my first PC today bros, it's not very strong but I'm happy with it
Hey Zig Forums...
I'm looking for pictures of good looking guys to use to talk to girls...
Just fucked that prostitute. AMA!
Does anyboidy else have absolute garbage handwriting?
Be me
Bored femboy here
Talk shit, get hit
My gf and I were having some wine and talking about our ultimate fantasy and what turns her on...
Why are you gay?
Ugly girls you know irl who make you nut super fucking hard for some reason
She in her 20s. Why does she look like this? Wtf happened
Social Fap
Naked old women thread
19 families buy nearly 97 acres of land in Georgia to create a city safe for Black people...
More Millie
99% of all celeb posters are ghey
New loli thread
What explains the phenomenon of more and more white girls around learning to twerk?
Deepnude Thread
Did I do a good job restringing my guitar?
Do i pass?
I work in an office full of big tit cuties. Pic related
What is the most pathetic job a man can possibly have?
Name ONE flaw with this Man
Rekt threadb
6 oz of weed, 200g of mushies, & a few hundred milligrams of ketamine...
Freestyle Rap Thread. Record yourself on vocaroo and post a link. I don't care if it's shit...
Will Obama drop his $20 million deal/paycheck from Netflix?
His lies killed 193,000 Americans
Name's Ryan AMA
Does God exist?
Hey yo, quick question. Do you know how to convince girlfriend into doing some BDSM stuff like pee on me etc...
Incest story's
What does Zig Forums think of my girlfriend?
Reminder: socialism has failed every single time it has ever been attempted in the history of mankind
Good morning friend-user
I plan on killing my ex-gf and her family members and I don't want it to be this way. Talk me out of it
When did you figure out we fought the wrong enemy in WW2 and made the biggest mistake in history
What would you do if you got sexually assaulted by a woman?
Share your girls and stories of the slutty things they do
I'll Photoshop your girl's pussy to her mouth
Ideal femal body and why
Post me your girl to modify
So, after Decades of giving the Nobel Peace Prize out to anybody that helped push the Lefts agendas...
What's this bug? Is it dangerous? Should I keep it?
You had 8 years of obama and he did nothing for climate change or black lives
I have a small cock, sometimes my wife needs more. Show me what you would fill her cunt with...
What's the sexiest thing a man could wear?
New Celeb
I'm black AMA
America is a 3rd world dump
Nominated twice for nobel peace prize
Why are Americans so fucking stupid?
No loli thread? Let's fix that
Have you ever found nudies online of someone you know IRL? How'd it make you feel? Pic related
I love watching the white race die
What's that one pic you just can't stop coming back to?
Waifu illegal opinions
Still want that race war, bitch?
Is this attractive or too fat?
Is there 'healthy' smoking?
A celeb thread for the soul imagined
Italians aren't wh-
Social fap
Happy caturday!
B I am scared my heart hurts when I breath in or move, I feel like if i took a deep breath my vessels would burst...
What was your personal experience with a fellow young African American™ that made you despise them...
(they're the same damn thing. either way, you're still simping.)
Hello, dubs department?
The genetic lottery called. You lost
I need two fingers in my ass to achieve a prostate orgasm within 3 minutes. I am the alpha faggot, ask me anything
Ask a far-right trans girl anything
Hey b I needed a new alternator and when I replaced mine I forgot to take off the negative post before I put it in...
If you get trips, I post tits (pic not related)
Hey anons, let's get a fat girl thread goin (OCs get MVP)
Monday morning comfy tread. And random cool pics
How do u kick coke habit?
Fuel my crippiling addiction to traps...
What game is a genuine masterpiece?
Good damn impressive. How can one movie have triggered so many opposing groups? Soy Boys, e-thots, boogaloos, gamers...
Be me
Random images
A lot of girls say a lot of guys tried to buttfuck them when the girls don't want to
Red pill me on him. Did he do it?
Social fap
Loli thread
What the fuck is wrong with you seppo cunts, do you think fires don't hurt you or something...
Ever did butt sex with anyone? If so, what do it feel like?
Tomboy girl Thread
Why are there so few black chess players?
Recommend me some good 80s/90s anime. Preferably OVAs or movies but TV shows are welcome...
Wwyd if you woke up and saw her like this?
My wife will leave me soon she will file the devorce in a few days. Sheer me up /b
Rock experts of Zig Forums what is this rock outside mine hotel's window image relevant
My first tattoo. Feels good bros
How do I deprogram myself from S-I-S-S-Y H-Y-P-N-O?
What was your college experience like?
Show the older woman you would like to fuck most
Secrets thread
Lolify thread
Quads gets her milking video
If you're in an area where there's a ton of rioting, you should grab a couple of friends and do this:
Prostitution thread. You ever pay for it?
All my ex boyfriends say im clingy and im psycho when i arrive home tonight im going to leave a blood bath might make a...
Pictures you find extremely hot but other people may not see it that way
New idea. Bottle in ass and secure it so it won't go out. Now go to sleep with this bottle in my ass...
I think its perfectly ok to castrate pedophiles...
Pussy rate
No fap starts now
Which one of these sluts do you think is the biggest bbc whore? Why do you think that?
Loli thread
Today I placed my Smith & Wesson .357 Mag revolver on the table right next to my front door...
Clothed pics of girls you have nudes of -- chicks you actually know IRL edition. Let's see what y'all have got
I wanna be Janeane Garofalo's boyfriend
Stoners of Zig Forums
Genuine question for regular Zig Forums users: what is it about the site that makes you want to spend your time on it?
Drawthread: drawfag edition
Guys i need help
Drawthread: Vietnam was a blast Edition
That's it for me b/ros. I'm at the end of my rope. Stuck in a dead job that's increasingly stressful...
What do you think of this?
Pic 1 of 163
Secret radio or things you hear in your head thread. General schizofriendia thread
Your next meal is on me, Zig Forums
Waifu Thread
Have you seen the movie "Cuties" that's been memed in echo chambers and propaganda channels everywhere?
Loli thread
A rally during a pandemic? What are your thoughts Zig Forums?
Lewd shota bread
Why are white men attracted to bug women? Chinks look disgusting to me
Amateur asses 2?
The towers didn't fall so that ungrateful pricks could kneel during the anthem...
It's my birthday Zig Forumsros
Had both arms and legs amputated bc of meningicoccol septicimia. Ask me anything
Hot tiktok girls thread
Share your gf/wife's pussy
YLYL: Trumptard Edition
Last image you have saved. no cheating or you get one square inch of your skin peeled off
Feel for this guy, the complete lack of hesitation he had while doing it just shows how badly he wanted out...
Wife's Pussy
Hunger games first 24 maybe 36
Hollywood secrets thread
Hey Zig Forums found a cool rock. Any idea what it is?
I McNutt'd in my underwear
All the Nazi films I've seen are made by shitty kikes who always put them down
Watched my first anime
Rate my cat
Femanons and traps who post nudes on Zig Forums: Why? How did you start? Do you masturbate while you're doing it?
Fb/Ig fap
So what actually happened on 09/11/2001?
New kik thread. last one maxed out replies
Socials of girls you have better pics of
This is the future if the commies win
Who is she?
Coot cubs
Please enter the 6 digit code to recieve true wisdom!
How much would you pay for one night with this beauty?
You know you have your doubts. Let me check your wife's/ gf's loyalty. Send her kik, snap...
Imagine still believing in God in 2020
What's wrong with used goods?
If this user is still around keep posting? I'd be psyched to see more of your holes
The Hunger Games Commandments;
2 nominations
How are there no feet threads anymore srs
I know it's a longshot but would you guys fuck my ex?
I'm upset. I used to be neet, got a degree (philosophy) but was an addict throughout. Came to nothing much...
This is how a man gets dubs
Impregnate or pull out?
CaTURDay? Fuck cats!
What in the actual fuck makes you think homosexuality will be the downfall of America?
First 3 word that come to mind
Good evening, I'm a mysterious magician. Roll doubles and you'll receive 10 more years of bountiful life...
What's the sexiest thing a man could wear?
Folded up in aluminum foil. Bag has 00G printed in it. Seems like an orange or yellowish powder...
How do most of the whites on here pretend everything is normal when this is happening?
I'm watching a documentary about Nazi Germany...
Put on the damn mask you retarded faggots
Is it ok if I start a Jes thread? Hoping for a chance to summon jes as well
Daily Most Enjoyable Berserk Thread
Can we have a gay sissy thread?
Trap Thread
Hunger Games Thread
Take a pepe, leave a pepe
Validate me
How do you prefer your steak?
Who gets the flute?
Amateur asses?
40+ yr old anons
Actually the most boring movie I've ever seen
Draw Thread: It's Almost Caturday Edition
Been thinking about ending my life but to bitch to do it anytips on how to stop being a bitch (only have knives and...
Be jew spy in china:
Hey, if you think of killing yourself please don't do it...
My gf wants an open relationship. She has fucked 50+ guys and i fucked only 9 girls. Should i accept?
You are trapped in a room with a female for 1 whole year. Every single day, every morning, afternoon and night...
I just realized that Stormfront is a metaphor for Donald Trump
Are you still wearing a mask?
Celeb thread
My girlfriend said my ass was bigger than her’s. Help us settle it Zig Forumsros
I am 6 feet 6 inches tall how does it feel to know I can strangle you with one hand?
Friends you want to drench in cum
What's a good way to tell, if an individual is intelligent without actually getting him take an IQ test?
Loli thread
The Hunger Games Commandments;
What are the best albums from first song to last? I don't care about the genre, I just want some quality shit
Dorse thread
Michelle supposedly started a Onlyfans, but I can't find it. Anyone interested in helping me look?
I miss old b and I'm drunk and nostalgic
Literal CGI
Years ago I got all these 9-11 pictures from Zig Forums, so every year I post them. Save them if you are interested
No rekt thread today, Zig Forums? are you fucking nigger
Fuck your traps and your pedos and your shit that belongs on pol Zig Forums
How well do anons know pussy?
ITT: real life villains who did nothing wrong
How was she so cute bros?
How fucking hard is it for you fucking idiots to move the fuck over...
Highly decorated Chinese viral specialist claims covid-19 was engineered by Chinese scientists
Help Zig Forums I just found out my favorite 10/10 hot femboi trap video is actually CP but I can't bring myself to...
Hey guys
Reactions bread
Anyone got insane pics of people puking? pic related
Do Americans really?
Just did this good shit for the first time with my buddy several hours ago, AMA
Hired escort because tired of being kissless virgin
Why did the democrats ruin the stimulus check
Democrats and LGBTQ activists are panicking that GOP legislators have proposed bills in several states to outlaw child...
What does pussy smell like?
What do you think about Jimi Hendrix?
What is the root cause of gun violence in the United States? I think it's a combination of poor education...
Your son brings home his asian girlfriend for the first time
Guess what i did to your sister Zig Forums
Out on a hot summer's day
So I’ve been bi curious for several years and never acted on it I’ve used toys but that’s it...
Home audio bros how tf do I set up this subwoofer
Would you still love someone if you saw that they do this to themselves?
I took my friend’s boxers lol. Whadda ya guys think?
Do something about it white boi
The government scumbags dont give up in their relentless POINTLESS scumbagging spying on me
00, 22, and 33 decides what I get at McDonald's later today
Honestly he's unironically the only good streamer
Homos of Zig Forums
Lets go
Celebrate Thread
I find it hard to believe guys wouldn't want their gf or wife to get fucked by a supreme alpha male. How could you not...
Tried fapping after chopping up habaneros, now my dick is bright red and feels like it's burning off
Hey Zig Forums anyone willing to send a femanon some money to trade nudes? My snap is : m4gent44
Why does everyone seem so pseudo-intellectual these days?
Are female rapists as bad as male ones?
Hey Zig Forums, I want to see cuties to see whats all the fuss about, not because Im a pedo or anything...
Ouch! Owie, ow, ow, ow!
Loli thread
Native girls
Pussyneck wears more makeup than a 5-ruble whore... What a fag
God's "intelligent" design, user!
Why are you voting for the Democrats in November (the party of slavery?
I have horizontally impacted wisdom teeth and I'm 24 years old...
Drawthread: the REAL edition
Rate my GF anons?
What medications do you guys take, if any? i take remeron (daily) and lithium (daily)
So, I don’t have Netflix. What’s the all the hubbub?
Roll em. Trips can choose 2 classes, quads gets 3, quints is the dungeon master
And once again, this fucking faggot moves the goalposts. Why do people even listen to what this retard has to say?
"Black Lives Matter" aka BLM is a Marxist front group...
Going to kill myself about a month or two after my best friends wedding, so I don't cast any shadows over it beforehand...
Hot cosplay chicks only
Be honest: Which of these 10 countries would you live in if you had to pick one?
ITT Girls with their mouths open & tongues out
Now that Zig Forums is reddit 2.0 where did oldfags flock to? Show me the way snack went
NE Ohio girls thread
It’s slidding time
Fuck the government...
How many cats is too much to have?
I stopped smoking weed a while ago so i can pass a drug test for a new job...
Why continue to live ?
What happened to men and how do we fix them?
Black Lies Matter
Odds - bad luck for a day
You've just died, user. I know, I know...you "Never saw it coming!" amirite?
1 and you're a vegetable
The Feels Bar is open Zig Forums, pull up a stool and tell me what's on your mind. What are you having?
Ever seen nudes of girls you know IRL on here before?
Name my horse
I'm putting together a team
What are your thoughts?
What were Kobe’s last words?
Open that throat to receive his brown snake with corn eyes user
Ekstreme funny ylyl ultimate edition
Rap thread. spit a verse, or just a couple lines, whatever you wanna do
Why are poor people poor? Is it lack of motivation or are they being "held down" by the elites?
Drawthread: bat mommy edition
Celebs in a thread
G/ fur So many fantastic boi butts
Loli thread
Hi Zig Forums
Do you shower in the morning or in the evening ?
How does it feel that as Asian countries become richer and white countries become poorer...
I have a problem Zig Forums. My gf and i have been dating for a few days...
Mother-Daughter Social Media
Let's keep this thread alive for 8 hours +
My boyfriend told me to see if people are interested in seeing my body...
So in terms of sales, since July 01, Ive made 64% of the profit at my multi-million $ company
What racial slur would you say to her if you looked across the room and saw her looking at you like this
Look at how fat and ugly my wife is...anyone want to fuck her so I can catch her cheating and divorce her?
YLYL 9/11 Edition
I keep getting mad. I'm so fueled by fucking hate...
Conversation at work today was about showers
Alright faggots I hadn’t seen my daughter in the two years and from what I’ve seen she has turned into a total slut...
Fuck yo white privilege you bitch ass crackaz. It's da black mans time now
Pt 3
Dubs decides what i do with my pringles
Dick rate thread /10
Trap Thread
Rerolls highly discouraged
I hear a lot of you guys mention your trap relationship, but how and where did it start? Online? WHERE!
What is his problem? what is his end game?
Jailfu roulette
Now that the dust has settled, why do you think he did it?
Social thread v3
User, I can't hold it in any longer!!
Poop eat
Anyone got the source>?:L:
What language should i learn Zig Forums
"Losers" and "Suckers"
Two days ago I made a post about my daughters 17-year old best friend flirting with me and how uncomfortable it makes...
Why does everyone hate my body so much ???
What motivates you daily ?
Whats going on with Riley Reid Zig Forumsros? Also post more Riley
Donald Trump thread!!!
What do you think of this pedo movie?
If you were guranteed to get away with it as in nobody even suspected you, would you rape a girl?
Deutscher Faden
Whats the proper punishment if you catch daughter with a nigger?
Could today be your lucky day?
They are the heroes
Pt 2
Damn women
This is you. You aren't a soul, you aren't a being. you are a brain in a meat mech. Literally
Where were you on 9/11? Zoomers: fuck off, this bread isn't for you
Loli thread
This is a wasp, correct? Or am I retarded
Faces you want to fuck part 2 - thread last night hit post limit around the same time someone started posting a few...
Happy 9/11!
Does anyone play Dnd?
Post tomboys
Thoughts on my calculus teacher Zig Forums?
Third-world disposable bitches from the slums. Summer is over Edition
At what point are conservatives going to admit climate change is real and a problem?
Does it bother Americans to know that they are a declining power on the global stage and that by 2049...
Social thread v2
What is your opinion on parents giving puberty blockers to their children starting at 8yo and then cross-sex hormones...
Gimme some emails or usernames and ill post if theres any wins!
The white race is finished
ITT: We figure out how he died
Take a pepe?, leave a pepe
Surely there's someone paying him to do this. This can't be what he does for fun, right?
Niggers murdered 8,000 Americans in 2017
Rekt thread
How do we fix niggers
White boys are not invited to the pool
Shouldnt share v103
Question for bbc trolls
Happy 11th of September
White boys are not invited out to the beach
Shouldn't share
White boys are NOT invited!
White boys are not invited
What's her appeal?
If anyone can get dubs or trips I’ll post tits, until then you incel virgins can keep trying
Take an anime an replace a word in its title with nigger
Does NoFap actually improve something? Or is it just bullshit...
Its my birthday anons
/ss/- Straight Shota bread
Take a pepe, leave a pepe
Post your best caps from the best of Zig Forums
Would you fuck my cheating ex?
Waifu Neglectful Nature
Happy september 11 /b!
Femanon titty thread
Got solar recently. Gone from a $400 bill each quarter to a $100 credit
Why is the left targeting children?
Is anime a dying medium?
Easiest way to leave my shit ass country?
Shouldnt share v102
Do you like fat girls or skinny girls? or both...
How are you celebrating this day where justice was served Zig Forums?
How do I find a hacker who can help me fuck with someone's phone? Like blow it up or get random people to call it...
/S/ fur!
Say something nice about my brother or your mom will die today
Wake up
Can someone please fucking help me get my shit together
Wife/GF rate I'll start with mine
Incest bread
Random celebread
Anyone else clear out their entertainment center in prep for PS5?
Did he feel any pain?
I think it's time to have a discussion about black fragility and try to understand why these people (BLM) assume every...
Whats the fastest way to get rid of an erection?
What are Jews? Really, what are they..please explain Zig Forums
Drawthread: Seethe Edition
Are social threads allowed now? If so - social thread
George Floyd's REAL cause of death, stop denying it you nigger monkeys
Pause a movie at 33.33
Todays 12-13 year olds try hard to look older
Monkey deserved it
Shouldn't share v101
Roll triples™ and I show you mai waifus lil bobs and vagene
I'm not seeing shit about "muh 9/11" on the internet this year...
Didn't think I'd ever say this but damn President Trump and his campaign pretty low energy these days
Wtf is wrong with modern women ?
Morning beat meat pics
Girls that begged you to cum on their face
If you were guranteed to get away with it as in nobody even suspected you, would you rape a girl?
Daily reminder that labias do not grow to the length of dog ears naturally...
I am blinded by depression and anxiety. i can't do anything
Can you fap to this?
Kik thread, 18+ edition
Loli thread
Why the fuck can't I stop being a degenerate who wants to be dominated by women?
Shouldn't share 100
Haha funny YouTuber say poopy sex joke XD
Bored california mom who can't sleep and will regret it in a few hours
Where is the teen/ college thred
Milf thread
Loli thread
Who is the GOAT pornstar?
Recommend me some weird obscure 90s/80s anime
New Trap thread
Poses like this
"What the fuck, user! I told you not to cum inside me! I could get pregnant!"
I want to see my mom getting fucked, ROUGH!
Would you rather fuck JLH in her prime or MILF?
I’m a femboy AMA
Why do I feel unlucky to have been born a white boi sometimes? Its not fair
Was randomly reading about the largest employers in each state...
Any legit ways to get a larger penis??
Loli thread
Why do republicans hate homosexual people so much?
Celery thred
Shouldn’t share v99
If there was child hitchhiker in middle of nowhere would you pick it up or is it illegal to pick up children like that?
Rate my cock
Instagram/FB thread
Why are there so many ignorant people in the age of information?
Sup homies, i'm a trans woman ama
Why are right wing memes offensive? Take a long hard look
Tranny hate thread
1 and you get shot, survive and are a vegetable
I am an AI consisting of 175 billion neurons, ask me anything. Idiotic questions will be ignored
In 30 years you will no longer be able to buy a steak with more than 3% beef
Mental health thread: tell us something u have never told anyone. and post a hot chick. both r good for mental health...
My dad is a football coach and he let one of the players stay at our house for a few weeks due to family troubles
I give you $20 to eat at only one
It is that time again Zig Forumsros taken leave for the week which means a little extra cash to share around roll trips...
Newfags can't triforce
Loli thread
How do you cope with reality ?
Roll for your DS9 waifu
Which two do you save?
When were you when you found out about poop baby
Is her onlyfans worth 10 bucks?
2022: you wake up, inject your daily covid vaccine booster directly into your belly button...
Odds fap evens nap
I turned 34 today. I've been on Zig Forums since senior year of high school
Cuck wants his girl posted roll for more
Hola amigos busco información sobre el vídeo o quizá el vídeo completo si alguien lo tiene compartan lo xddd
I love how all you transphobes love to use the ugliest examples of each to describe the group as a whole as...
Loli thread
Ylyl happy 9/11 edition
There are no fascists
Drawthread(s): The 'S' Is For Stop Doing Drugs
Happy inside job day americunts !
Shouldnt share thread
What games did you guys play growing up?
Last rekt thread hit bump limit
How do I find the courage to kill myself?
Slaughtering animals for human consumption
Why cant women admit men have it harder when it comes to dating?
Are we getting more trump bucks? do you need them? what will you spend it on?
My pet tarantula escaped years ago and from time to time we see each other in the kitchen...
Happy 9/11!
Cub waffles
Are you ready for the normalization of pedophilia?
Would you marry a black woman Zig Forums?
Have gf
How many more days before harvest? Anyone got a good eye for this
But user, condoms are bad for the environment
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine
Zig Forums
Video Games
Television and Movies