How fucking hard is it for you fucking idiots to move the fuck over? Are you so fucking obvious to not notice me riding your ass that maybe you should speed up, slow down so I can get around, or just fucking move? Is it some sick game with you or are you that fucking stupid? Fuck you, burn in hell you faggots that block people from getting around.
How fucking hard is it for you fucking idiots to move the fuck over...
Nothing worse than coming around a 2 lane bend at 60mph and having some dumbfuck faggot retard going 40 and forcing me to break because he doesn't know what the right lane is.
chill out daddy, no one is obligated to move and learn to stop harassing peopl
THANK YOU! Fucking slow ass mother fuckers, get the fuck off the road or STAY TO THE RIGHT! It's not that fucking hard.
Faggot bitch, is this how you feel in control over other people? Is your life that sad, that you will sacrifice being late jsut to go slow so some guy in an emergency can't get around? I bet you hold up ambulances because they move too fast you stupid ass worthless fuck.
I would brake check the shit of an asshole like you.. There is a reason that there is maximum speed laws but there are no laws that say you must move out of the left lane.
Toaster strudel never feel like they have enough icing.
I would love to see the grill of that car and the hood wrapped around my trailer hitch