How fucking hard is it for you fucking idiots to move the fuck over...

How fucking hard is it for you fucking idiots to move the fuck over? Are you so fucking obvious to not notice me riding your ass that maybe you should speed up, slow down so I can get around, or just fucking move? Is it some sick game with you or are you that fucking stupid? Fuck you, burn in hell you faggots that block people from getting around.

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Nothing worse than coming around a 2 lane bend at 60mph and having some dumbfuck faggot retard going 40 and forcing me to break because he doesn't know what the right lane is.

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chill out daddy, no one is obligated to move and learn to stop harassing peopl

THANK YOU! Fucking slow ass mother fuckers, get the fuck off the road or STAY TO THE RIGHT! It's not that fucking hard.

Faggot bitch, is this how you feel in control over other people? Is your life that sad, that you will sacrifice being late jsut to go slow so some guy in an emergency can't get around? I bet you hold up ambulances because they move too fast you stupid ass worthless fuck.

I would brake check the shit of an asshole like you.. There is a reason that there is maximum speed laws but there are no laws that say you must move out of the left lane.

Toaster strudel never feel like they have enough icing.


I would love to see the grill of that car and the hood wrapped around my trailer hitch


Yes there are. Check your state/country/what ever you fucking retard.

In a big hurry to go suck some docks faggot?

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in most places the left lane is for passing only. go back to driving school you retard.
also break-checking people will end with you in jail if they are hurt as a result of your stupidity. you will be responsible, not the person tailing you

I hope you start shit with someone because they wouldn't let you drive 100 in a 60 and get shot in the face

If you are maintaining the speed limit there is absolutely no reason that you need to move out of a lane. Yes you can impede traffic and yes there are charges for that but not if you are going to speed limit.

I’ve been driving truck in the country that I live in for more than 15 years. I know the fucking laws you dumb motherfucker

How fucking hard is it for you to obey the fucking law? I hope you're pulled over by the cops and assfucked with a nightstick.

Not in North America

You don't deserve those trips you bitch. I hope you get rammed by a guy running from the cops and get thrown out of the car into a guy with aids. Are you that weak you can't put the blinker on and move the wheel slightly you soy boy faggot? Pathetic.

You are wrong, must maintain a safe distance dumb ass

driverfag here.
People should have to retake their driver's test every 5-10 years. every fucking day the sheer amount of retardation on the road is astonishing. i don't trust any of you motherfuckers when i'm behind the wheel.
also there should be way more slow traffic keep right signs everywhere.
ps - suck my dick

>there are no laws that say you must move out of the left lane.

I don't know about Ameristan, but in Norway at least, there is literally a law that says you can't use the left lane except when overtaking another vehicle.


We live in the city you dumb bitch, just stay there and don't visit or move here. We HATE how slow you fucks drive and how you pay zero attention to anyone on the road while you go 40 in a 65. Go fuck yourself and read a book on how to drive from Pep Boys you faggot.

“Officer a deer ran right out in front of me. I don’t know why the guy behind me was following so close that seems like a poor decision”

it cause irrational anger when this happens to me. Usually a sheboon or boomer committing said act.

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First of all I don’t drive cars, little bitches drive cars, secondly what the fuck is a blinker? did you top up your blinker fluid you fucking retard!

Trips of truth suck my dick

law dictates you maintain a safe distance between your car and the one in front of you. When I see faggots like you on my ass when I'm already going 5 over, I slam on my brakes. It's fucking hilarious watching you shithead retards freak out as I take your insurance information. I love the look of devastation as they realize their rates are fucked, as are their records. I've been in 7 accidents this year, all from people I've slammed my brakes on due to people riding my ass. Fuck you OP, I hope you ride my ass one day so I can destroy you.

Im guessing youre one of those people that think its called a "fast lane". Overtaking doesnt mean you can go over the limit kid.

very nice connections you got here mate. lets see;
feeling in control over people: you complaining about controlling your definition of being in control really twisted because it is you who is feeling this way. this is opposite as you said it first and you are trying to be in control of other people and get very angry when they do not let you pass

is my life sad bla bla-> aah, you are making shit up about stuff which i didnt tell a thing about. its not even related to your pitiful situation
your light stick doesnt give you a free pass

pretty weak larp

Oh look, you're the kind of person I brake-check for following too close.

causing an accident on purpose is illegal you fucking retard. you break-check = you caused the accident

My dubs always win, fuck you, loser so ass mother fucker. I bet you watch NASCAR too, don't you faggot? It's because they can do what you can't, drive like a normal white person. Fuck off, nigger.

Country - America Canada Amsterdam Norway Mexico China Russia



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I hope you die in a car crash

Secondly you dumb motherfucker I said maintain the speed limit. Read the statement before you comment with your dumb ass retardation

Prove it's a larp

I do it specifically to make retards like you pissed as hell. Its hilarious. Bonus points if it causes you to try pulling a retarded maneuver and crashing

>Tfw I'm that guy that will go the speed limit in the fast lane
>Everyone piled behind me trying to go over the speed limit
>I'm the Gandalf of traffic.

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Is there a law against getting nice trips? If so then you should be arrested.

eat cvpi asshole

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