Hey yo, quick question. Do you know how to convince girlfriend into doing some BDSM stuff like pee on me etc.? Or maybe you know any good methods to make her start thinking about it? Maybe there is some good book where I can learn more on how to persuade her?
Hey yo, quick question. Do you know how to convince girlfriend into doing some BDSM stuff like pee on me etc...
peeing on you isn't BDSM, it's watersports
Tell her honestly, don't be weird about it, and pro tip make sure to offer to do it in the shower first you'll have a lot better chance of success. If she's ever came on you remind her that a lot of that was probably pee anyways so it's not that big of a deal/difference
ask her you underage fuck
Ask her!? If she's willing to try she'll let you know.
>Hey, would you like to try some light BDSM
As others said, just fucking ask her. Maybe she is into it but afraid to ask first. Maybe she's not and she'll say no.
Just fucking ask.
Talk to her and tell her what you want. All the girls I’ve dated are into freaky hardcore shit but I usually know that before hand
Hah, good one!
I already tried to do that. Usually I get what I want if I only spend enough time to convince her. This one is taking forever. It's been over a year now and she's still not interested but she doesn't say a big no. That's why I am looking for a solution...
Sounds like you're out of luck OP, she just isn't that into it. F
Then there is none, if she's not interested, she's not. Find a new gf.
Tell her to do it. Don't ask, don't debate the pros and cons. You look her in the eyes and tell her what to do. She will get off on whatever you tell her to do because you're being dominant. It's not hard.
it's a pass fam, rip in peace
Yeah, I never had such problem as you wrote. All the girls I dated deeply wanted to do some nasty things. The one I am dating now likes to get dirty but she's too shy of her body and a little bit resistant to experiment.
That might be an idea. Thanks bro. I'll try to be more dominant in the way you wrote. Maybe it will work.
so she's a fatty
Chubby, yeah, a little bit.
Next time she goes off to pee ask her lightly 'can I watch?' she'll either weird out or agree. But even if she says no she's considering it. Ask again a few weeks later.
Once you start watching, ask if you can put your hand in the stream over the loo. Be enthusiastic if she let's you. Ramp that up slowly over time by kissing whilst hand in pee.
Then escalate further by having a bath together, and asking her to pee whilst you're both in there.
You get the idea.
Might take months but my gf is into it now and suggests it.
Good luck user
you're in denial, and can be construed as rape, so tread carefully
It's almost like my story. I already can watch her while she does and she's comfy with that but I never can see the pee coming out. I also kiss her sometimes while she pees but there's no way to get my hand down there as her legs are squeezed together.
No worries. I could smell her fear from a distance and never would do something like that to her.
Ask her to open her legs then
Yeah it seems like it's just a matter of time and some pressure. The longer it takes I am getting crazy as fuck when I think that she could do it to me. I still hope that in the end it will be a wet victory.
Eh...you might have a difficult time with that one. If a girl likes you, she'll willingly participate in a plethora of kinks and fetishes you may have.
Unfortunately for you... fluids are typically a hard limit for most people. Also... it's considerably easier to persuade a woman into a submissive role than to get her to assert herself over you.
If this is extremely important to you; I honestly almost recomend finding a new girl entirely....almost.
You mention she hasn't shut it down all together... piss is pretty gross m8. The fact she even entertained a level of politeness and is still around... means she likes you A LOT. She's probably a keeper and I'd really reassess what you're looking for and other ways to potentially get your fix. Maybe you've got some other Interests shed participate in?
Finally... there's one last idea. Maybe she might be willing to try... I ran a porno shop for a long time and we sold fake piss for people in your position. I'm sure most people bought it to pass drug tests but it was marketed as "fetish urine". Maybe heat some up and see if you can get her into the idea of pretending...which could open the door to the real thing.
Be assertive without being rapey but if you whisper 'open your legs' whilst kissing as she pees she'll do it. Victory is yours
You actually made me happy. She must like me if she's tolerating that and still didn't blew my mind because of that...
Normally I would go and find a new one, but my current relationship with her is highly advanced and there's not much stuff that I actually miss. I was even able to educate her with some daily affairs and I like how the partnership is evolving.
Holy shit man. I didn't even consider something like fake pee could event exist... Thanks for sharing that concept. Maybe it's something that I can do with her while pretending and actually accustom her with that idea.