Donald Trump thread!!!

Donald Trump thread!!!

Get in here and defend your *resident

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So I'm the person who is probably voting for trump over biden because Biden was such a turd, but I'm actually pretty upset that the very clearly lied about this pandemic stuff. I mean, I could understand if he was just an idiot and didn't think it was a big deal but apparently he knew since February. That decision killed a lot of people.

Still leaning trump but undecided.

Stable geniuses unite!

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Why did they report fake news?

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I'm not even voting FOR Trump at this point. I'm voting AGAINST the violent communists in the streets who want to destroy everything we love.

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Yet they gave Obama one for drone striking children in the middle east.

Nobody knows you like your own family

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lol - you didn't read the article!!

Trump has been nominated for the Nobel Prize two years in a row. Both nominations were made fraudulently, and both were referred to the police for criminal investigation.

BTW: the deadline for a proper nomination for a Nobel Prize was back in February.

Trump was so proud of his fraudulent nomination he tweeted about it multiple times. He sure likes his criminals.