Donald Trump thread!!!
Get in here and defend your *resident
Donald Trump thread!!!
Get in here and defend your *resident
So I'm the person who is probably voting for trump over biden because Biden was such a turd, but I'm actually pretty upset that the very clearly lied about this pandemic stuff. I mean, I could understand if he was just an idiot and didn't think it was a big deal but apparently he knew since February. That decision killed a lot of people.
Still leaning trump but undecided.
Stable geniuses unite!
Why did they report fake news?
I'm not even voting FOR Trump at this point. I'm voting AGAINST the violent communists in the streets who want to destroy everything we love.
Yet they gave Obama one for drone striking children in the middle east.
Nobody knows you like your own family
lol - you didn't read the article!!
Trump has been nominated for the Nobel Prize two years in a row. Both nominations were made fraudulently, and both were referred to the police for criminal investigation.
BTW: the deadline for a proper nomination for a Nobel Prize was back in February.
Trump was so proud of his fraudulent nomination he tweeted about it multiple times. He sure likes his criminals.