Home audio bros how tf do I set up this subwoofer.
Home audio bros how tf do I set up this subwoofer
the reciever already has 4 satellites hooked in but idk how to get the hook up the sub. the sub seems to have a 15 pin but that doesn’t have a port on the receiver
Find the input RCA(s) on the subwoofer (not shown in this picture). Connect at least one of them to the sub out on your receiver. Voila!
That is all of the ports on the sub sos sadly no RCA
Search model number.
Prob need special cable and rest of speakers hook into sub.
Logitech makes computer shit, not home theater.
you're trying to wire an amplifier to a plate amp, how fucking stupid are you
Honestly, it’s time to upgrade. These aren’t compatible as I don’t see a line level input on sub. Spend a few bucks on a decent onkyo receiver 676 minimum and a definitive technology prosub 1000. You’d be thrilled compared to what you can get out of that compared to the nonsense that’s out there at a similar cost
It looks like you are trying to hook up an old computer setup to a home receiver
Apparently it requires a old logitech receiver to work with the proprietary 15pin connection but the previous tenants here said they managed to set to up somehow with this yamaha receiver.
What does it say in white letters under this pre-out, OP?