"Black Lives Matter" aka BLM is a Marxist front group...

"Black Lives Matter" aka BLM is a Marxist front group. When someone says "black lives matter" they aren't telling you they care about any black lives, they are proclaiming their allegiance to the group BLM and by relation admitting to be a Marxist/Communist/Socialist.

Attached: communism.jpg (225x225, 13.62K)

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Any evidence to support this claim?


Attached: 20200911_170842.jpg (1080x1838, 565.35K)

Absolutely. The other thing I've noticed is white women who go on about BLM are always obsessed with the idea of getting a black boyfriend, to them it's like a weird fetish or some shit

Pff that’s nothing. I have my job up to give it to a African American. That’s how much I care.

Well, it's about time US politics veered left.

Attached: blm.jpg (123x124, 2.97K)

It confuses the crap out of them when they shout "BLACK LIVES MATTER, DURR!" and demand you answer back the same so you shout "BLACKS ARE HUMANS"

It’s not a fetish. It’s just mainstream now. Girl love attention and validation. Especially the ones that are let’s say damaged. Daddy issues etc. so by having or acting of having a black dude next to them gives them points from society and media. It’s all pretentious in the end. If tomorrow Asians were mainstream you’d see them with them.