"Black Lives Matter" aka BLM is a Marxist front group...

"Black Lives Matter" aka BLM is a Marxist front group. When someone says "black lives matter" they aren't telling you they care about any black lives, they are proclaiming their allegiance to the group BLM and by relation admitting to be a Marxist/Communist/Socialist.

Attached: communism.jpg (225x225, 13.62K)

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Any evidence to support this claim?


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Absolutely. The other thing I've noticed is white women who go on about BLM are always obsessed with the idea of getting a black boyfriend, to them it's like a weird fetish or some shit

Pff that’s nothing. I have my job up to give it to a African American. That’s how much I care.

Well, it's about time US politics veered left.

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It confuses the crap out of them when they shout "BLACK LIVES MATTER, DURR!" and demand you answer back the same so you shout "BLACKS ARE HUMANS"

It’s not a fetish. It’s just mainstream now. Girl love attention and validation. Especially the ones that are let’s say damaged. Daddy issues etc. so by having or acting of having a black dude next to them gives them points from society and media. It’s all pretentious in the end. If tomorrow Asians were mainstream you’d see them with them.


And started domestic terrorism? You're a leftist retard.

You think these marxists give a shit about ordinary people? Most of these BLM people are rich kids from the suburbs, their ideal government would mean ordinary people didn't have a voice, only those from the big cities would.


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All I'm interested in really is a national healthcare program.

Seems like Marxists would be the best people to do that since private industry is a massive failure.

That's adorable. These same types of comments pop up whenever any group is protesting for equal rights.

Of course theres no real evidence of this. BLM protesters are out there not for an organization, but from people constantly being abused and executed by police. Of course its much easier to dismiss them saying they're marxists or socialists or anarchists or scientologists or whatever boogeyman they choose to go with. That way you dont have to actually do any work to solve a problem.

Statistically its right wing organizations that are more likely to earn the label 'domestic terrorist'.

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Ah yes. Truly a well thought out argument if i've ever seen one. The assumption here is these are rich people out protesting for poor black people cause they...dont care. No, it's truly the people who want nothing to change and these people to keep getting killed, now they are the ones that truly care!

Yup. Sounds logical to me!

>their ideal government would mean ordinary people didn't have a voice, only those from the big cities would.
First, WTF
Second, how is that different from now?

Most of these (((rich people))) hate the white working classes. They want us extinct and import the third world to pay them less money, which is why they support BLM and mass immigration

Appeal of tradition fallacy.
"X hasn't worked before in the past, and Y has always worked, so that means Y is better than X and that change isn't needed"

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Exactly, except ordinary people from ordinary towns would have even less people. BLM support abolishing the Electoral College meaning LA and NYC would control the country whereas people from ORDINARY working towns across America would lose any power. They also want to abolish the Iowa caucus FOR THE SAME REASON!

>Most of these (((rich people))) hate the white working classes.
There's no such thing as the white working class.

Bullshit. You think little towns elect Republican Senators? All their money and power comes from 200 mi around Washington DC. They buy endless ads in small town media and get the Senators they ordered. It's a lot cheaper than trying to win an election in NY, CA or even TX or FL.

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I'm not a Republican, I just hate the Democrats and the Republicans are the only way to get rid of them. What we need are a proper party focused on ordinary towns and our real issues, not forcing children to become transgender or millions of immigrants.

Tell people from my home town that, they'll either laugh you out of town or kick your head in

Sure, it's a location called EVERYWHERE!

>I am a raging racist faggot from bumfuck nowhere land

Then why can't you produce any faggot. Burden of proof is on you.

I bet you think you're so morally superior, but who nose which (((religion))) you follow! Fucking CNN bastard

What merits do you say private industry is a failure compared to centrally planned state systems...

And this is a bad thing how?

Imagine still sucking propaganda out of McCarthy's desiccated dead cock lmao. neck yourself, fuckstick

Marx was a jew who supported white genocide like all of them on CNN

Better dead than red, dickhead.

Lol wut. Moral superiority isn't a real thing. Your morals are your morals it doesn't matter what anyone elses are. They might as well just be opinions. This board has no room for actual religious people, nor the pretend religious people like you and your faggot orange God.

You are a very dumb person you know that?

LA County and NYC Metro (broadest possible definitions of LA and NYC) combined have a population of 30 million, which literally only 9% of the US population. If you think your vote deserves to count for more just because you live in a sundown town out in the fucking sticks, you're the reason America is crumbling.

How's the weather in Tel Aviv? How much do you get paid per person you force to wear an ugly GOOK mask?

Fucking neck yourself

>Marx was a jew who supported white genocide like all of them on CNN

Please. Karl Marx wanted to eat the rich. He didn't fucking care what color they were, they just happened to be white. But you don't care because your happy being a Nazi is redneck land. Your pappy that fought in world war 2 would be so proud of you.


My home city isn't really in the sticks, it's just an ordinary place for ordinary people. But it's not big enough for the quinoa eating CNN reading JEWISH BLM supporting faggots and trannies who have seized power nowadays

Here we have the single most succinctly retarded Zig Forums post I have seen in years. God help you, user

Meanwhile your kind want to transgender children so you can sell them to pedos like GEORGE SOROS!

>Disagree with my propaganda?? How'd you like some more retarded chest-beating and propaganda? That'll show 'em!

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Lol does literally every part of your life focus on Jews? For Christ sakes you know Jews look just like white people, right? But don't worry. We will take your arguments and opinions seriously because they are obviously very well thought out. Jews Jews Jews, Jews Jews Jews - Jews.
Also Jews.

The only propaganda is the shit antifa paid teachers are telling our children in high school that all whites should be killed and transgenderism is normal

>ordinary place for ordinary people
So what you mean is a sundown town entirely populated by uneducated, ignorant """people""" brainwashed by nationalist bullshit since Reagan