Just did this good shit for the first time with my buddy several hours ago, AMA

just did this good shit for the first time with my buddy several hours ago, AMA

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sick trips for sick trips

It's a meditative tool, abusing it for recreation can cost you your soul.



recreation and meditation can be the same thing dawg

Go away, Joe, no one cares how much you can afford in recreational medicine. Please, stop talking about DMT and just fucking do some already. Also, hook your viewers up with your connects, because we need to know what it's like to have your bald privilege.

Get out in nature.
Watch Duncan trussle new cartoon.
Watch Hamilton Morris pharmacopia.
Put on old psychedelic music and fractals on TV.

Does it taste like shit?

Set fire to pagan gods. Abuse the world.

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joe mama

didn't buy them actually, bud got them from someone else lol

he's mentioned DMT but i don't really care to try it yet