just did this good shit for the first time with my buddy several hours ago, AMA
Just did this good shit for the first time with my buddy several hours ago, AMA
sick trips for sick trips
It's a meditative tool, abusing it for recreation can cost you your soul.
recreation and meditation can be the same thing dawg
Go away, Joe, no one cares how much you can afford in recreational medicine. Please, stop talking about DMT and just fucking do some already. Also, hook your viewers up with your connects, because we need to know what it's like to have your bald privilege.
Get out in nature.
Watch Duncan trussle new cartoon.
Watch Hamilton Morris pharmacopia.
Put on old psychedelic music and fractals on TV.
Does it taste like shit?
Set fire to pagan gods. Abuse the world.
joe mama
didn't buy them actually, bud got them from someone else lol
he's mentioned DMT but i don't really care to try it yet
Are you sure want know up with grade level of keebler elves assume are going to be a bit to make a decision on how with being able to so and will make sure
ye we walked around the city for hours after this, was the most intense high i've had yet
its bitter and chewy as all fuck, be sure you have some kind of juice or soda to wash it down with
It's but would have request letter sent in a of the circumstances and I am can check out is a great time for me and my friends well and sure you an opportunity a bit more time than you can out.
Shawty's like a melody in my head
That I can't keep out
Got me singin' like
Na na na na everyday
It's like my ipod stuck on replay, replay-ay-ay-ay-ay
but has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
how Mich did it cost? is it true you see weird colors or shapes turning into animals or something
Where did you get it? How much did you take? Do you ever get nervous? What are you doing with the knowledge that your tongue takes up space in your mouth, or that you can manually breathe? Do you think you can lose the ability to breathe automatically if your brain chemistry changes enough? Does your lower jaw ever get tired from holding its own weight?
you know shrooms turn you gay right?
so fucking edgy you cunt
Dang shrooms bro? that's crazy bro. Ahhh Im tripping bro the walls are moving bro.
Gay as fuck.
idk my friend got em from someone else
didn't really see vivid colors but a lot of objects esp trees were distorted and jagged, i've heard people's faces get weird but we were alone walking at night so didn't see anyone sadly
from friend
the amount in my palm
sometimes but much less these days
idc about my tongue or noticing that im breathing
i dont do enough shit to fundamentally alter my brain chem
i do clench my jaw a lot unconsciously though so gotta work on that
peace nigga
Astaroth would fucking hate you, lol
>i do clench my jaw a lot unconsciously
Uh.. user, that's a sign of psychosis, bro
Looks like dried asian dicks
well shit son i had no idea now get over here and let me suck on that meaty dick
I heard eating chocolate, preferably dark chocolate, when eating psilocybin mushrooms. Something in the chocolate causes the experience to be high quality.
you didn't finish your first sentence but I think what you're talking about is a hippie myth. There is a similar myth about consuming large amounts of citrus prior to eating mushrooms or LSD which will apparently cause your trip to be extremely strong. I don't think there is any evidence other than anecdotal evidence to support the claims
dude i have no idea where my friend's friend got them from they might as well have been lol
This tip came from Paul Stamets, the worlds leading expert on mushrooms.
Google psilocybin mushrooms and chocolate for more information.
haven't heard of chocolate + shroomies, google research doesnt show anything about the combo
yeah its called lemon tekking, where you douse or soak the shrooms in lemon juice before eating. the science is pretty dubious but i've read a lot of stories online about the effectiveness so i may as well try it next time i get some
I just googled exactly what you said and the first 7 links are for creating your own psychedelic chocolates. The next two are relevant but again it is anecdotal evidence with no real research to support the claims and both specify "pure cacao" and not just "dark chocolate"
I'm not claiming to be a professional but I do have some experience as an amateur psychonaut and cube cultivator and I have never found any strong or concrete evidence (or studies) to support the use of citrus or chocolate to potentiate the efficacy of the psychedelic