America is a 3rd world dump.
America is a 3rd world dump
Not America, just Commiefornia, also know as the Sweden of the new world.
burn it to the fucking ground and start again.
how do you imagine that?
Have you ever traveled to any other continents?
Perhaps you have lived in South East Asia, or Africa...
Think about what you are saying before you blurt out something like that.
thanks captain obvious. anything else you wanted to share?
The parts of America that are filled with Africans function like Africa. The parts of America that are filled with whites function like other white countries.
pick one
Nah cali is actually still ok compared to the rest of the us. Flyover states are 3rd world for sure. Poor uneducated hateful rednecks everywhere there, niggers in all but skin color.
damn is that the golden gate? the fires are actually that close to sf? oh shit shit's gon get real people are dying for sure
Oh please Great Amerifat, redpill me on which part of America isn't third world.
>inb4 some middle state of North Kanzas that's 90% corn fields and some houses