America is a 3rd world dump

America is a 3rd world dump.

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Not America, just Commiefornia, also know as the Sweden of the new world.

burn it to the fucking ground and start again.

how do you imagine that?

Have you ever traveled to any other continents?

Perhaps you have lived in South East Asia, or Africa...

Think about what you are saying before you blurt out something like that.

thanks captain obvious. anything else you wanted to share?

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The parts of America that are filled with Africans function like Africa. The parts of America that are filled with whites function like other white countries.

pick one

Nah cali is actually still ok compared to the rest of the us. Flyover states are 3rd world for sure. Poor uneducated hateful rednecks everywhere there, niggers in all but skin color.

damn is that the golden gate? the fires are actually that close to sf? oh shit shit's gon get real people are dying for sure

Oh please Great Amerifat, redpill me on which part of America isn't third world.

>inb4 some middle state of North Kanzas that's 90% corn fields and some houses

3rd world dump is too good for america

america is a failed state, it's amazing to watch

America is a failed social experiment. It's a perfect example of why free market capitalism always turns into an autocratic oligarchy.
I don't give the US in its current form 5 more years before some cataclysm happens.

>5 years

wow you think it'll last that long?

yes, it's turning into one

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America has one hope - dump the drumpf!

5 years at most. Probs more like 2.

Quads of truth have spoken

It's called Corporate Liberalism and we're already halfway there. I for one look forward to our nu-feudalism and the time when I can buy my way out of a murder for a reasonable price.

Just ask trump - he bought Epstein’s murder pretty cheap

Sounds like you want 3rd world levels of corruption. Enjoy your apocalypse amerifat

why would he get epstein killed off when witnesses already denied his involvement? if you cant see it was another clinton hit job, youre blind.

I already have third-world levels of corruption, now I want the benefits because I already have the drawbacks.

Epstein had dirt on trump, he was killer to make sure he couldn't testify
>trumptards will blame anything on liberals

nah, America has fail in its diversity social experiment, free market capitalism is working well in China.

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You better become a multi millionaire real fast if you want that. But you won't because you're being oppressed by the already established billionaire class.
You don't even realize how fucked your own cunt(ry) is.

When I was a teenager I worked in a kitchen at this brunch place, there was this black dude that I worked with who introduced himself to me as "Moody". Well actually what he said is, "Moody, nigga" but I just figured his name was Moody. He was my alcohol hookup for a while, on account of me being underage.

One time I was in Moody's neighborhood just sitting in my Jeep and listening to Reel Big Fish like a proper teenage kid in 2007, feeling retro. Jeeps have the open windows/top so I guess that means people should come talk to me, because this other black dude walked up to my vehicle and asked if I wanted to buy any weed.

I told him, no dude, I already have weed. It's white boy weed, here, smell it. So I reached in my pack of camel filters and pulled out like a little nug and gave it to him. He took one sniff and started like overreacting.

I had never seen anybody go from trying to sell weed to trying to buy weed so fast.

China is not a free market. It's more like a one party socialist capitalistic system where the market is controlled by socialist policy to some degree.

re reading my post i was in moody's hood because he was buying booze for me at his local store. moody wasn't about to drive across town to buy me a bottle of rum. looking back on it this was retarded because he could have easily set me up outside his favorite liquor spot, and you know liquor stores don't need extra police attention. They wont call the cops.

Another Euro fag dreaming of escaping his Muslim takeover and moving here. It's funny too. These non US westerners move to the US and always move to the overpacked crowded cities and counties.

If you can't see that Epstein killed himself rather than rotting in jail for the rest of his life, you're stupid. He was used to luxury, not living with derelicts and idiots.

the parts of america that are asian act like other asian countries: by that i mean inbetween third world and first world
as for the native americans, nobody gives a shit about them, they just exist.