White boys are not invited to the pool

White boys are not invited to the pool.

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kill yourself

pools closed

Jordyn jones

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there's like 9 threads like this right now


white boys just cant compete

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Sage and report as spam

With Jews being killed in broad daylight all across America in town squares with no witnesses or repercussions, how do you feel about your safety as a Shareblue/Tavisstock/ECT employee?

Who's going to swim with the white girls? The great unwashed hate swimming.

Thank you user. So this is the jailbait sorcery of Disney channel

You are welcome.

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why are blacks more likely to be gay or trans?

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White boys aren't invited anywhere these days except Trump rallies and school shootings lol

So drowning without a lifeguard it is then

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You guys are all so stupid.
Why would a Jew do this?
Does it make you a lefty? No. It makes you want to purge.
You're getting rage baited by Nazis to push you more right wing. "See, the blacks are taking your women."
It's not Jews, it's not anarchists, it's fat little Nazi boys.
You're better than them. They die like dogs in the mud. Don't fall for their middle school tier propaganda.

We’re white, so we can go wherever we want, and just have the police kill/arrest you if you get uppity.

jew detected. still hate jews more than nogs.

Sir, this is a reddit LARP board

Is that so?

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I only see nerds posted

If any of you are weak enough to fall to memes made by 15 year old fat kids from Nebraska, you deserve the reckoning.
Be a man, fuck Zig Forums.

lmao you can't argue with these white faggots

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People aren't capable of real personalities. It's mimicry of pop culture and some life experience. Children who discover Zig Forums at age 12 are doomed forever, their adolescence soaking up inceldom and racewar bullshit. Then at 25 they wonder why they're useless and worthless, clinging to their sex and race as the only things of "value" they have.

I am white. Blacks are just as dumb as whites. Half the people in this thread are certifiably stupid and yet their words are given the same weight as every other comment.
White people suck, black people suck. Good white people exist, good black people exist.
And every other race is just a plot device for us apparently.

Based sauce user

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>White people suck
That's true.

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I don't think that's a real dick, user.
Either way the obsession these days with race is sad. Black people especially are acting pathetic when so many lessons have already been publicly learned. It really makes you wonder if black people as a whole are incapable of social change but it's weird because I've met perfectly reasonable blacks.
And yet as a race in America they're... Doing what they're doing.
But then you look at Walmart-Americans and Trump supporters and meth heads and you think okay maybe whites aren't acting like adults either.

>real dick, user
you don't say

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Stupid fucking Americans. Stay at home.

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But there's a Trump rally we have to go to.

Then get covid and die if you want to, mutt.

The mods need to dust off the ban hammer again.

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It must be Friday, the Jews are out posting this bullshit before the sabbath.

Give it up. Your bait is weak and you're all retarded.

is it?

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wow. you're the only one not to fall for it.
