A lot of girls say a lot of guys tried to buttfuck them when the girls don't want to

a lot of girls say a lot of guys tried to buttfuck them when the girls don't want to.

Guys who does that; do you like poop?

I would never ask/try for anal if i ddnt know the girl was *empty* and ready.
Why would you want to stick your dick in a random one night stands asshole?
its not fresch or nice

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shut up faggot

eat pussy>eat ass-crack

the initial struggle, into surrender, into screams of joy makes it worth

Nothing as satisfying as being able to say you fucked a girl in the ass. Total domination

Because you feel like a king when you nut balls deep in a girls ass while they squirm in half pleasure half pain

Yo, I fuckin love Zheani. She mad hot and seem cool af. Dirtbike is a badass track.

As for assfucking and shit. I'm down, but like I ain't gonna be all into that shit if muh girl ain't into it. If she down, I'm down though.

And fuck yeah I like poop my dude. Part of the appeal of anal is getting to eat that ass first to get that shit all wet and ready. Ya'll still probs gonna wanna use some lube and shit cause spit ain't really good lube but it still mad fun eating ass.

IDGAF if it dirty, I'm into that shit.

No joke bruh. This was mad long ago, like over a decade. But I was fucking my GF at the time all up in the ass, and I could feel with my dick that there was some shit in there and yo...that shit was hot as fuck.

I fuckin nutted all over her dinner my bruh. That shit feel good too, cause it kinda soft and that shit hot knowing ya'll rubbing ya dick all up in her shit.

I'll eat pussy, I'll eat ass, I'll eat shit my dudes. IDGAF. Bucky down to get dirty bruh.


Some girls like it in the butt.

my wife when she is in the right mood, she will let me rub my thumb in her ass when we are fucking doggie style.
Sometimes when she is on the rag she will want just to grind my dick in her anus with no penetration.
And in really weird occasion she will pop open a rubber just so I can fuck her in the ass.

It boils down to her, and what she wants. After all sex is about mutual pleasure, I come regardless, she needs a bit of work.

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but i mean.... a dry asshole that is not warmed up is not feeling good. and the poop....im so confused.
but anyone can rape anyone. its harder to seduce a girl to make her ASK and BEG u to fuck her ass
but poop and pain?

I stuck a finger in my girls ass while i was fucking her the other week, i could feel my cock sliding in and out of her pussy with my finger through i dunno i guess the anus/vagina wall. It was hot as fuck and i came almost instantly

i dont mean the girls who likes it in the butt. im asking the guys who assrape girls why they do it.

a lot of guys try to stick their dick in a girls asshole when the girls arent ready. it has nothing to do with tour wife love anal when u rub your thumb. im talking abot no warm up with a stranger in a clubtoilet

my bf want to fuck me in the ass but he has never put a finger inside...i guess he finds it gross but i would love a finger there


> Fun
> Different
> Dominant

I'm also slightly sadistic, so knowing that they're in pain makes me happy. Slap them, choke them, spit in their mouth, fuck them in the ass, call them dirty little sluts, and then give them a cuddle afterwards. Bitches love that shit

if you have poop in your asshole you need to take a shit, its pretty rare to get actual shit on your dick unless there is 0 communication

i asked u a simple wuestion holy fuck Zig Forums u are retarded

im asking why u would rape a girl asshole, not why u love anal with a consenting woman who u love fuck this im out

am asking those who not communicate.

>fucking a girl doggy
>take out penis, push it into her asshole

and that's why you only need to date virgins. Imagine kissing an ex of this fag

My first ass experience was with my wife then-girlfriend.

She switched holes in the middle of fuck, and I just went along, I loved it! she displayed full submission towards me I knew right there and there she was the one.

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Why are you not following the rules? Tits and timestamp, m'lady

I used to think it was gross, then one night we were drunk and shit 69ing and she was rubbing her pussy all over my face to the point were i was licking her ass a bit. Then i got turned on as hell and starting full on rimming her. Wed been in the bath before so i figured it was as clean as it was gonna get and she went wild moaning.

Once youve eaten ass suddenly everything seems less gross lol. That being said im still not into scat porn or anything like that (though no judgement)

>wanting to date a virgin

no thanks mohamed, we dont date underage girls in freedomland

would you rather buy a new pair of shoes or a used ones?

Someone is gonna die sad and alone.

a used ones

Shoes are things, women have feelings you know.

Imagine finding the woman of your dreams, smart, beautiful, financially independent, wealthy.
But she dated in her 20s like any other human being...

>women have feelings you know.
Fuck outtahere with your simping bullshit

Step 1: Lick the butt hole
Step 2: Pee pee in the butt hole

Yeah and her bf treated her like shit, called her a slut, fucked her ass etc. No thanks, its better be alone than with some whore like this without a self respect. And Im not ta talking about that she might had sex with a nigger or a shitskin, tgats just pathetic


Does this looks like simping?
Real men get to fuck for real.

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I have no idea what like looks like. why did you date and fuck an ugly asian?

Not always the case, but you are entitled to your opinion.

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lame betafag
craving for domination feels
imagining what it would be like

Does she look Asian to you?
Prime Mexican pussy.

If at first you don’t succeed...

Some dude bought Michael jordans old shoes for 600 grand. I bought the shoes im wearing new for 20 bucks. You tell me whats more valuable


Incel detected

She looks like the chink, you look like the spic

Either way the point stands. why? i get youre both ugly as shit but surely you could do better