Hey faggots
First off, post your rig.
Second, I'm looking for a mini wah/volume/expression pedal to mod. Please sell me one, preferably broken because I'm just going to gut it and start from scratch for my mod.
Hey faggots
First off, post your rig.
Second, I'm looking for a mini wah/volume/expression pedal to mod. Please sell me one, preferably broken because I'm just going to gut it and start from scratch for my mod.
>putting the compressor after gain
Got your compressor in the wrong fucking spot dude
Gearfags, I'll tell you...
you get distortion but no volume change so you just change tone,
it ain't much but it's mine
is my board cringe?
OP you chose shitty pic, thread is cool but invisible
why is your compressor all the way at the end, retard....
Regardless, that's clean as fuck.