Hey faggots

Hey faggots

First off, post your rig.

Second, I'm looking for a mini wah/volume/expression pedal to mod. Please sell me one, preferably broken because I'm just going to gut it and start from scratch for my mod.

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>putting the compressor after gain

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Got your compressor in the wrong fucking spot dude
Gearfags, I'll tell you...

you get distortion but no volume change so you just change tone,

it ain't much but it's mine

Attached: myshit.jpg (1898x1420, 508.1K)

is my board cringe?

Attached: pedals.jpg (1734x975, 338.68K)


OP you chose shitty pic, thread is cool but invisible

why is your compressor all the way at the end, retard....

Regardless, that's clean as fuck.

Attached: 58423621_2333584983587304_2888482914210568694_n.jpg (1080x1080, 210.25K)


shits all fucked atm

Attached: 21F7D9F8-1EDC-48C1-9DB4-06DA924F9ECA.jpg (3978x1838, 1.81M)

The compressor post gain is my preference with the dynacomp, kind of a rip off of trey anistasio's use of the ross compressor after two ts9s. I have the modded ds-1 for my light breakup into a ts808 with a boost setting. People also ask me about the phaser pre-gain. I have a lot of modulation options with the orbital modulator almost all the way at the end of the chain, the phase 90 is there just for van halen riffs. :)


no that's pretty sick not gonna lie.
not sure why haters have so much to say about what's "wrong" in terms of a pedalboard... go watch a few rig rundowns and you'll realize most of your favorite guitar players play with all kinds of fucked up gear in their rigs.

Here's a better pic.
Some of you were interested in my decision making on this stuff so I'll explain my thinking

The goal was to get effects on both sides of the drives. The board all revolves around the ds-1, which is set as low as it goes at unity volume and really warm compared to the tube screamer, which is actually just there to kick the fuck out of the ds-1. I'm coming in through an empress I/O Buffer which sits under the polytune, after that is the pitch shifty for obvious reasons and then what would be a boss cs-3. After I got the buffer I decided to replace the boss, so there's an xotic sp comp coming in the mail to sit there. Since I usually have a compressor in that position, I decided that a post-drive compressor would be a fun option for really singing sustiany sounds. I wanted the eq as a sort of preamp for the drive pedals, and then of course I'm still going into the front of the amp so I have more eq later. The phase 90 is before the drives for the Van Halen thing, but that's alright because we have more modulation after the drives, then the canyon, ditto, and back to the empress with a cable routed underneath.

I also have a mini-wah coming in the mail which will loop in between the phaser and the ts808. Next to that, I'm looking for a mini-wah to mod that will act as an expression for the source audio pedal, and the button will toggle a volume function that will go right before the delay.

Attached: rigggggggggggggggggggg.jpg (854x519, 92.43K)

Why doesn't anyone have a Whammy pedal besides that one user?

I have a whammy bar

Look for sonicake. Cheap, small and shitty volume/wah.
I need a comp, a delay and maybe a chorus.

Attached: A8EE95C9-A7BF-421D-8558-B445ED92A322.jpg (4032x3024, 2.68M)

Because they’re a fucking meme.

I have the same solid-state. that shit takes pedals?

$700 rig with three pedals

yeah, surprisingly well too.
I've been dying to upgrade to a JC-120 but i haven't got the space or the money, so the vox will have to do for now

what's that little red one?

Tap tempo probably for the strymon

called a jhs red remote

Gain boost for the morning glory
Why would a reverb have tap tempo?

trying to make dream pop or something?

I didn’t study your board, just looked at the thumbnail. saw the strymon, figured it was a delay, seen a lot with additional tap tempos

Yeah you can get some insane results from even a pathfinder 10