You nerds love to post different kind of charts, how about this, a Zig Forums waifu chart...

You nerds love to post different kind of charts, how about this, a Zig Forums waifu chart. You post Zig Forums girls or boys you would have happily married at some point in time given the hypothetical chance and r8 each other taste.

Attached: musicqts.png (1084x1084, 2.16M)

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If you dare to be this bored

Attached: 1441477072046.png (1084x1084, 46.68K)

stop idolizing whores

only boaring people get board


Into the trash

i might be a borderline retarded cumbrain, but at least i never made something like this

+Amy Lee, Britney Spears, Taylor Swift, Clairo

Attached: waifus.jpg (1536x1533, 474.85K)

All corporate pop whores. No love for shoegaze qts?

You're welcome to make your own waifu chart, I don't even know any.

Clairo is SOOOOOOOOOOO cute.