You nerds love to post different kind of charts, how about this, a Zig Forums waifu chart. You post Zig Forums girls or boys you would have happily married at some point in time given the hypothetical chance and r8 each other taste.
You nerds love to post different kind of charts, how about this, a Zig Forums waifu chart...
If you dare to be this bored
stop idolizing whores
only boaring people get board
Into the trash
i might be a borderline retarded cumbrain, but at least i never made something like this
+Amy Lee, Britney Spears, Taylor Swift, Clairo
All corporate pop whores. No love for shoegaze qts?
You're welcome to make your own waifu chart, I don't even know any.
Clairo is SOOOOOOOOOOO cute.
Has coomerposting gone too far? You guys making fucking charts now?
To make it easier maybe, you can go here:
If you want one more like OP, you can click on the side where it has "Layouts", then choose "Big Photo Wrap", and there are some good layouts there.
I'm a tranner btw
nice meme dude
I like guys too
Honestly I prefer blonde Avril but I'd like to taste her either way
+++ Amy Lee
Nice to see the metal girls there. Unfortunately, I don't recognize them. Who are they?
+++ Avril
+ Dua, Sky
- Heather, Ashniko
Shoegaze girls are boring and basically art-hoe-tier for the most part. Bilinda and Rachel are cool. Girls in bands like The Swirlies, Sweet Trip, Pinkshinyultrablast, and Kinoko Teikoku are cool too I guess. Besides that, they suck. (The girl from Ringo Deathstarr is qt though.)
+++ Kerri
+ Hannah, Joanna, Lorde
- The two men you posted
>I'm a tranner btw
Yeah, you should stop that.
based lana even tho her music sucks
sophie looks cooler with the cheek prosthetics
Newfag here, who's the one in the middle?
user, your zoomer is showing.
I know, who is it?
Amy Lee from Evanescence.
I destroyed my cock to Amy Lee when I was I kid, good lord
>Nice to see the metal girls there. Unfortunately, I don't recognize them. Who are they?
If you mean the ones I think, Lzzy Hale (kind of buttrock/metal singer), Doro Pesch (old school metal singer), The Great Kat (old weirdo thrash metal/shredder chick)
Who's the top middle?
I love this coomer idea, I'll try and make mine later
You're mentally ill and need to get off this board.
Where the fuck is liz (grouper)
Molly from Alvvays