what does Zig Forums think of discogs as a database?
What does Zig Forums think of discogs as a database?
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Very useful.
I hate their capitalisation rules. It should be 'Close to the Edge', not 'Close To The Edge'. Honestly though, even rym's rules don't do it for me. I hate how they require that 'from' be capitalised ('Jazz From Hell' instead of 'Jazz from Hell'. It's completely ridiculous. Wikipedia actually does it the best, in my opinion.
Would need the schema for a full opinion
>leaving four-letter prepositions uncapitalized in titles
Why do people do this
I like how comprehensive it is, they catalogue stuff that is not on RYM or last.fm. which is pretty cool when you try getting into e.g. older netlabels
Better than RYM oftentimes. I’ll use it to find producing/engineering credits all the time.
Because it’s proper grammar.
theyre sickos