What does Zig Forums think of discogs as a database?

what does Zig Forums think of discogs as a database?

Attached: discogs-white.png (112x40, 17.03K)

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Very useful.


I hate their capitalisation rules. It should be 'Close to the Edge', not 'Close To The Edge'. Honestly though, even rym's rules don't do it for me. I hate how they require that 'from' be capitalised ('Jazz From Hell' instead of 'Jazz from Hell'. It's completely ridiculous. Wikipedia actually does it the best, in my opinion.

Would need the schema for a full opinion

>leaving four-letter prepositions uncapitalized in titles

Why do people do this

I like how comprehensive it is, they catalogue stuff that is not on RYM or last.fm. which is pretty cool when you try getting into e.g. older netlabels

Better than RYM oftentimes. I’ll use it to find producing/engineering credits all the time.

Because it’s proper grammar.

theyre sickos

>In title case, capitalize the following words in a title or heading:
>words of four letters or more (e.g., “With,” “Between,” “From”)

It looks right. 'Two From the Vault' vs. 'Two from the Vault'. The former looks askew, completely wrong. The latter, nice and balanced. Punctuation should be harmonious.

Attached: Two from the Vault.jpg (600x600, 128.1K)

I meant to say, capitalisation instead of punctuation. Tee hee.

I disagree, the capitalized "From" looks much cleaner and is easier on the eyes

You do realize APA isn’t standard English right? It’s an essay format/style.

You're lucky I'm not in control of the world because if I was there would be government death squads breaking down your door, changing the metadata in your music library to the correct capitalisation and breaking your arms and legs.

If you want to use this as your defense, you better take all the contractions out of your writing too, APA doesn’t allow them.

Damn, I wanted the APA retard to know he was blown out.

This is almost all fine, but why should we capitalise words just because they're longer than three letters? It seems sort of arbitrary to me. There's no good reason why 'with' and 'from' shouldn't be lowercase, if you're going to both doing 'to', 'and', 'but', etc. in lowercase too.

>Pay Special Attention to Prepositions
When you write titles that contain prepositions, your word processor will likely tell you that you should leave words like “with,” “about,” and “around” lowercase. Defiantly look past the squiggly line indicating a potential error, and remember that in AP title case, prepositions with four or more letters should be capitalized.

APA and AP style capitalize them, Chicago and MLA don't

>For example, if your prospects and audience are teachers or professors, they will prefer the CMOS over AP style. They are used to reading papers written in this style and when they do their own work that is the stylebook they will use
>For most other people, the AP stylebook is a better fit. This extends not just the people who write in AP on a daily basis, like journalists and PR professionals, but people who wouldn’t care what stylebook is being used.
Lowercasefags in ruins

Uppercaseniggers be like Hello This Is How I Type Because I Am Retarded. Fuck you faggot. Why don't you just type in caps lock if you like capital letters so much?

>people trying to use APA, AP, MLA, Chicago styles to make malformed arguments about capitalizing prepositions in titles, even though those are for specific uses and they all contradict each other


Lol all you did was copy paste a part of your link and didn’t actually say anything. The second one straight up contradicts what you’re going for.

What are you talking about? The point is Chicago style is more for academia, while AP applies to broader contexts, like a collaborative music database. Get fucked

AP applies to journalism, not a collaborative music database you mongoloid.

You gonna start throwing quotation marks on album titles now too? You realize that’s AP style, I’m assuming.

Um, it's not just for journalism anymore dude, it has a wide variety of applications

Lol okay buddy. Here’s an actual good source


trying learning something new this morning. It’s okay to be wrong.

Now, the APA/AP retard has been blown out. The galaxy is at peace.