I can't get into metal guys. I like most other music. I mean I guess there is the odd good track but I find 99% of it to be loud garbage. Guitars are poorly recorded and harmonized, one or both usually out of tune. Drums are alright but superfluous alot of the time. Friends have tried constantly to show me bands running the spectrum and I just can't get into it. Metalheads are pretty cringey and pretentious at best, leaning a little too hard on the aesthetic to make them feel edgy but like they belong at the same time. Folkfags and Countryfags also pretty bad for it.
I can't get into metal guys. I like most other music...
That's fine, you're allowed to not like certain music.
Well you sound like you are going into it with a lot of prejudices so it's no surprise that you hate it.
I just hate overzealous fandoms and metalheads are some of the worst. They actually ruin the music somehow. Like Rick and Morty fans killed that show
It's called being filtered, not a big deal.
Don't engage with them. I'm a huge metalhead and discovered most bands and albums that I listen to by myself.
Why do tourists get mad at gatekeeping? Is it because it doesn't align with their faggy socialist utopia?
then don't. listen to what you like. your tastes will grow as you get older.
That depends on subgenre. More mainstream subgenres like heavy/thrash/groove metal are recorded and mixed much better.
I recommend 90s metal if you're into high quality. Stuff like Youthanasia or the black album, or if you're familiar with hard rock, then try early heavy metal, like Paranoid, The Number of the Beast, or Screaming for Vengeance. If you end up liking heavy metal, I then recommend 80s thrash, like Ride the Lightning, Master of Puppets, Rust in Peace or Peace Sells.
As for more extreme subgenres like death/doom/black metal, the recording and mixing is often god awful, but the songs are far more visceral and extreme. I first got into it by listening to Twilight of the Thunder God, it's surprisingly well mixed for a death metal record. Filosofem is also a decent entry point into extreme subgenres.