I can't get into metal guys. I like most other music. I mean I guess there is the odd good track but I find 99% of it to be loud garbage. Guitars are poorly recorded and harmonized, one or both usually out of tune. Drums are alright but superfluous alot of the time. Friends have tried constantly to show me bands running the spectrum and I just can't get into it. Metalheads are pretty cringey and pretentious at best, leaning a little too hard on the aesthetic to make them feel edgy but like they belong at the same time. Folkfags and Countryfags also pretty bad for it.
I can't get into metal guys. I like most other music...
That's fine, you're allowed to not like certain music.
Well you sound like you are going into it with a lot of prejudices so it's no surprise that you hate it.
I just hate overzealous fandoms and metalheads are some of the worst. They actually ruin the music somehow. Like Rick and Morty fans killed that show
It's called being filtered, not a big deal.
Don't engage with them. I'm a huge metalhead and discovered most bands and albums that I listen to by myself.
Why do tourists get mad at gatekeeping? Is it because it doesn't align with their faggy socialist utopia?
then don't. listen to what you like. your tastes will grow as you get older.
That depends on subgenre. More mainstream subgenres like heavy/thrash/groove metal are recorded and mixed much better.
I recommend 90s metal if you're into high quality. Stuff like Youthanasia or the black album, or if you're familiar with hard rock, then try early heavy metal, like Paranoid, The Number of the Beast, or Screaming for Vengeance. If you end up liking heavy metal, I then recommend 80s thrash, like Ride the Lightning, Master of Puppets, Rust in Peace or Peace Sells.
As for more extreme subgenres like death/doom/black metal, the recording and mixing is often god awful, but the songs are far more visceral and extreme. I first got into it by listening to Twilight of the Thunder God, it's surprisingly well mixed for a death metal record. Filosofem is also a decent entry point into extreme subgenres.
You're a fucking retard. If the same bands keep heading major fests it's only because they're popular and modern bands are targetted to a completely different audience.
Plus the best fests are far from being the most popular ones.
Same but Gorguts fucks
>Filosofem is also a decent entry point into extreme subgenres.
Filosofem is an entry point into false metal.
Thanks to your retarded gatekeeping, people can't even enjoy a mainstream band without getting flamed by autists sucking Mayhem's dicks
If you suck Mayhem's dick you're a tourist to begin with, and absolutely belong in a major fest.
Stop trying to like things that you don’t like. I used to be like you, life is too short. Listen to the things you enjoy
>And you think there wouldn't be more popular, new bands if elitists weren't raging retards?
No. Most of the com nowadays is done through internet. People don't go to fest to discover new bands anymore, especially major fests.
>life is too short, stay in your comfort zone and die without ever trying to expand your taste and knowledge
sounds like shit advice
I think I'm just learning that I gotta find things more on my own and on my own terms without the benefit of engaging with a community because 1. I'm introverted as fuck and 2. I generally find communities of anything toxic and cringey after awhile
It’s not about staying in his comfort zone. He’s clearly listened to a lot of metal and hasn’t like it so he’s left his comfort zone by now. That’s like me trying to like knitting even though I’ve tried it and didn’t like it
If you want to get into metal, do it outside of Zig Forums. Discover it on your own, start with entry-level stuff if you can't get into the extreme subgenres right away.
And don't even try to use /metal/ to get into the whole genre, the autists in there will just force their tastes onto you if you don't have your metal taste yet.
I'm just shitposting at work man. I've already tried I just wanted to see people's thoughts on the genre and community in general. Don't worry I'm not 12 noone is going to force their little tastes on me
If sloppiness and poor production are your gripes with it, get into 70's and 80's heavy metal. Most of those bands have very sparkly, clean production and a tight sound. The sloppiness of a lot of extreme metal was adopted from punk, so just avoid the punk-influenced styles.
Yeah man, thrash isn't punk influenced but death metal totally is!
thrash is totally punk influenced what are you talking about? Pretty much all metal after nwobhm is punk-influenced outside of some prog metal.
lol faggot
That's actually good, m8.
Geting into extreme metal is dangerous, my mental health and my left ear are pretty bad, since i listen to this shit 10 hours a day, and when i need to sleep py body still maintains the rythmes of agression and desilusion rage.
Dont get into metal.
Uh, I think that's just a you problem, my man.
Filosofem is tourist soiboy metal album with ambient shit. would be way better if it was only the first half
What the fuck was Varg thinking with that 25 minute long non-metal track? It's so out of place and far away from decent.
Man it doesn't matter. Go listen to something else
>bubuububut have uuu listened to Band XYZA?????
Listen to thrash first, get into the big 4 especially slayer if you like that stuff move onto possessed kreator sodom sepultura, if you like those bands and want more, then move onto Death, morbid angel, massacre, autopsy, obituary, deicide. Then onto the extreme stuff like cannibal corpse and dying fetus. It will take you more then one listen to get onto it. If you still dont like it then stick to thrash or heavy metal. Extreme metal is not for everybody