I hate introverts physically, I despise those kinds of people. I can hardly bear to talk to them. They have the Chaplin disease. That particular combination of arrogance and timidity sets my teeth on edge. They are arrogant. Like all people with timid personalities, their arrogance is unlimited. And that makes me almost nauseous with anger and disgust. Anybody who speaks quietly and shrivels up in company is unbelievably arrogant. He acts shy, but he’s not. He’s afraid. He hates himself, and he loves himself, a very tense situation. To me, it’s the most embarrassing thing in the world—a man who presents himself at his worst to get laughs, in order to free himself from his hang-ups.
Introverts are ridiculously arrogant. Their "humbleness" is arrogance. Their "shyness" is arrogance. They are as arrogant as anyone else. But you won't know that because they are afraid. They don't talk much not because they are shy or quiet, but because they are afraid. Afraid of being made fun of, afraid of being humiliated. Afraid of other people. This is where the arrogance, and the contradiction comes in. Introverts crave validation; they crave it more than any extrovert. They want to be praised, they want to be glorified. But the fear of humiliation prevents them from striving for it. It makes them paranoid. That fear drives them to hate everyone else, to antagonize everyone else, to sit in a corner and spit on everyone who passes by.
Now, what will our poor little introvert do now that he can't get his validation from other people? He will be put on a pedestal, by himself; he will rub the nose of others in the dirt, by himself, all in his own mind. This is why they are so passive aggressive: they don't need to bring you down physically, you are already humiliated in their own minds.
>Like all people with timid personalities, their arrogance is unlimited. Based. I met a girl in German class who was the typical shy kid. She added me on fb and her facebook persona is that of a self important jerk, when she could barely make herself be heard when we spoke face to face. What a fucking shitshow
>extrorinos in complete shambles after a few days of 'isolation'
Benjamin Gutierrez
Kill yourselves social outcasts
Nobody will even know, except your parents of course because you live with them
Liam Stewart
>I hate introverts physically, I despise those kinds of people. I can hardly bear to talk to them. They have the Chaplin disease. That particular combination of arrogance and timidity sets my teeth on edge. They are arrogant. Like all people with timid personalities, their arrogance is unlimited. And that makes me almost nauseous with anger and disgust. Anybody who speaks quietly and shrivels up in company is unbelievably arrogant. He acts shy, but he’s not. He’s afraid. He hates himself, and he loves himself, a very tense situation. To me, it’s the most embarrassing thing in the world—a man who presents himself at his worst to get laughs, in order to free himself from his hang-ups.
>this is actually what introverts think socializing is like You can’t even understand the world beyond your autism much like a fish can’t see his world for the water
>YOU CANT JUST STAND THERE IN SILENCE YOU MUST MAKE SMALL TALK We need to know that the other is not dangerous and that they are sane. You have to show that you are a proper human being
Robert Foster
>Introverts are ridiculously arrogant. Their "humbleness" is arrogance. Their "shyness" is arrogance. They are as arrogant as anyone else. But you won't know that because they are afraid. They don't talk much not because they are shy or quiet, but because they are afraid. Afraid of being made fun of, afraid of being humiliated. Afraid of other people. This is where the arrogance, and the contradiction comes in. Introverts crave validation; they crave it more than any extrovert. They want to be praised, they want to be glorified. But the fear of humiliation prevents them from striving for it. It makes them paranoid. That fear drives them to hate everyone else, to antagonize everyone else, to sit in a corner and spit on everyone who passes by.
Get the fuck off the internet, stop silently judging everyone around you and stop believing you’re better than everyone else because most likely you’re the bottom of the barrel of humanity and can only go up
tldr be more humble and accepting, your parents probably praised you too much
Alexander Parker
introverts can speak clearly and not be shy, they just need to recharge by getting away from people. whereas moron extroverts get their energy from being around other people and being fucking annoying. the mental retardation of the extrovert is apparent immediately and yes that are often treated rudely when they attempt to "mog" an introvert, who is almost always more intelligent and justified in any perceived "arrogance"
David Martinez
>Now, what will our poor little introvert do now that he can't get his validation from other people? He will be put on a pedestal, by himself; he will rub the nose of others in the dirt, by himself, all in his own mind. This is why they are so passive aggressive: they don't need to bring you down physically, you are already humiliated in their own minds.
i mean just imagine a world full of people with downs syndrome, but you don't have it. it would be like a screaming fight/orgy/hootinany anywhere you went. and then one of them goes online to complain about how you don't talk tard or assfuck fight in the mud like the other tards
Asher Adams
See my post here Now see the post that came directly after >an introvert, who is almost always more intelligent and justified in any perceived "arrogance" This is what I’m talking about. Introverts feel some sort of weird undeserved superiority to extroverts likely due to a complex and being jealous they can’t go out and make friends as easily so they cope by telling themselves they’re just misunderstood geniuses and extroverts are just “dumb normies” when they’re likely smarter and more successful than you too considering extroverts on average ARE more successful
Austin Butler
See this post again, another good example, “everyone who is more socially adapted than me is literally retarded and actually I am the superior one for being autistic”
It makes no sense, it’s completely undeserved, this is why introverts are hated
Ayden Barnes
>considering extroverts on average ARE more successful yes, in a world where the average IQ is below 100 and jobs are made through social connections, being a smiling blabbering moron will get you more money. the fact that you think this is proof of intelligence just shows how stupid you are. you are ignorant on a level you will never consciously comprehend. you are like an angry monkey in a zoo. we see exactly what motivates you and exactly what your limitations are. you do not understand, but you can tell something is off. and like a monkey, you want to kill anyone who dominates you. keep yapping monkey, nobody cares
Lucas Green
Introverts are just overly aware. Self and other judged fairly to the point where there is no conclusion and endless turmoil. Viscous cycle of concession and confidence creating thought after thought based on who and what. Shit sucks.
Leo Scott
>I’m smarter >ok but how? >I just am ok? Normies are more successful than me but I’m still smarter because I’m introverted >just like says, we’re just OVERLY AWARE not autistic failures!
Oliver Wright
you don't even understand what an introvert is, you idiot. gates is an introvert, musk is an introvert, Zuckerberg is an introvert. shut the fuck up, you are stupid
Jaxon Sanchez
I was going to shit on this thread, but you know what? Good post OP.
Dominic Reyes
> introvert = autistic damn you really are stupid huh
Josiah Diaz
every time someone attempts small talk, it's like my brain enters fight or flight and my jaw physically locks. I'm limited to a forced chuckle or a "hrmmm" as I desperately try to process their words in time. I always understood this as a deficit but you pretty much out the words in my mouth
Oh shit do you know them? Ok watch this: gates is an extrovert, zuckerberg is an extrovert, musk is an extrovert. Prove me wrong
Also funny how you picked some of the most easily hated big names in money to back up your argument when people hate them, especially zuck, BECAUSE they behave like creepy robotic introverts
Wyatt Bell
Get on klonopin and just go outside daily even if you don’t want to
The more people you meet and speak to the more humble you’ll feel given the experiences everyone else has that you never realized you don’t
Easton Watson
>See this post again, another good example, “everyone who is more socially adapted than me is literally retarded and actually I am the superior one for being autistic”
>It makes no sense, it’s completely undeserved, this is why introverts are hated
Also unless you’re full on school shooter awkward, NOBODY is judging you as hard as you judge yourself. Ever. Nobody cares that much. I cannot remember the last time I had a conversation in public and thought “that guy was fucking weird” unless it was a homeless druggie or something. Everyone has their neuroses, you notice yours more than others, everyone has something about themselves they dislike and think everyone is picking up on. Are you picking up on the things people dislike about themselves when you talk to them? Not unless you’re trying, no, so go outside and be awkward until you’re not awkward anymore because nobody gives a shit and you have nothing to lose and everything to gain
Robert Morgan
>Oh shit do you know them? Ok watch this: gates is an extrovert, zuckerberg is an extrovert, musk is an extrovert. Prove me wrong
>Also funny how you picked some of the most easily hated big names in money to back up your argument when people hate them, especially zuck, BECAUSE they behave like creepy robotic introverts
you fucking lost m8. dumb ape. keep getting mad we'll be avoiding you and leaving you out of our lives. there is a whole world you will never be a part of, because you aren't cool
Joshua White
>Also unless you’re full on school shooter awkward, NOBODY is judging you as hard as you judge yourself. Ever. Nobody cares that much. I cannot remember the last time I had a conversation in public and thought “that guy was fucking weird” unless it was a homeless druggie or something. Everyone has their neuroses, you notice yours more than others, everyone has something about themselves they dislike and think everyone is picking up on. Are you picking up on the things people dislike about themselves when you talk to them? Not unless you’re trying, no, so go outside and be awkward until you’re not awkward anymore because nobody gives a shit and you have nothing to lose and everything to gain
>you fucking lost because I listed people with a lot of money that I think are introverts! >I already won! You fool! Refer to the original post: >This is why they are so passive aggressive: they don't need to bring you down physically, you are already humiliated in their own minds. You make up some weird scenario in your mind and that becomes your reality because you are too autistic and mentally stunted to accept reality for what it is: one where you’re a fucking friendless loser who will amount to nothing in life with nobody to inherit your collection of flea market katanas
Jaxson Watson
this is very true. I used to be like this too. but most "introverts" will never admit this . they'll just keep making up reasons why they are special and can't talk with other people. it's pure arrogance, really.
Benjamin Carter
Orson Welles just dabbed on me from the grave
Brody Clark
No what's smart is coming to conclusions and being able to act on them. What's also smart is coming to every conceivable conclusion. Introverts don't act but concieve each reality thinking through their conclusions better. It's a Yin and Yang. Extroverts are here to decide on the paths laid out by introverts.
Wyatt Smith
>You make up some weird scenario in your mind and that becomes your reality because you are too autistic and mentally stunted to accept reality for what it is: one where you’re a fucking friendless loser who will amount to nothing in life with nobody to inherit your collection of flea market katanas