Why do Yayoi do this to Jomon women?

I mean, obviously it's creepy as fuck, but you have to admit that that's pretty clever... and dedicated, too.

Attached: asdfhjk2345.jpg (640x640, 102.65K)

Really mirin his dedication.

>CSI Tokyo

wtf i thought this only worked in movies

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Nobody can resist the JOMON woman

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Holy shit that guy should be hired by the Japanese secret services

what a chad

Now you finally understand our plight.

sorry but to me it looks like a jomon virgin vs jomon roastie drama

>zoom in
>enhance that
>can we rotate this 180 degrees?
>there, the reflection in that silverware.
>can we zoom on that and enhance it?
>alright, build me a simulation of what this guy in the reflection looks like.
>run that up against the database
>yatta, we got him. there's our killer.

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