Why do Yayoi do this to Jomon women?
Why do Yayoi do this to Jomon women?
yeah I'm thinking based
both are yayoi.
left looks yayoi with plastic
Both yayoi
Zitto animale.
I only see 2 ethnic Japanese citizens
i see humans :)
because the jomon bitch fools everyone
I see Japanese citizens, not humans.
I mean, obviously it's creepy as fuck, but you have to admit that that's pretty clever... and dedicated, too.
Really mirin his dedication.
>CSI Tokyo
wtf i thought this only worked in movies
Nobody can resist the JOMON woman
Holy shit that guy should be hired by the Japanese secret services
what a chad
Now you finally understand our plight.
sorry but to me it looks like a jomon virgin vs jomon roastie drama
>zoom in
>enhance that
>can we rotate this 180 degrees?
>there, the reflection in that silverware.
>can we zoom on that and enhance it?
>alright, build me a simulation of what this guy in the reflection looks like.
>run that up against the database
>yatta, we got him. there's our killer.
like most japs
That's not jomon. This is.
Jomon queen, who is she?
Probably a hapa like 80% of supposed Jomon
Don't reply to me if you don't have the answer you finngol
Hapas are cute
But modern jomons are mostly hapa since they're a mix of ancient jomon and yayoi, you dumb one.
Saori Hara is hapa
Jap and German mix
she's fat tho, if ur gonna stalk a celebrity why not a hot one
yea, jomon