How advanced is your country when it comes to paying for things

How advanced is your country when it comes to paying for things

F tier = you still use cash

B tier = you use credit cards

S tier = contactless phone payment

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S tier = abolution of the value form

I never used a credit card or phone payment in my life

What tier is it if your debit cards have contactless?

I use cash or debit card

B and S have spread a lot, but I'm personally stuck at F.

We have both B and S tier but I still choose to use cash.

>not using cash
Enjoy getting buttfucked by the state and negative interest rates

>i live in a corrupt shithole so everywhere else must be like that too
i only use debit card or apps, cash is thirld world tier and credit is stupid

Credit cards are pretty popular here

>implying it's going to be "corrupt shitholes" which will touch people's money first
It's western "developed" world which is up to the knees in debt and most likely to go this route. But I guess I'm wasting my breath when I'm trying to convince a scandi not to trust his government.

lmao fucking cretin, next step is chinese tier points based system where being disobey blocks your first world cards.

what exactly is goverment supposed to do with my money?
one of the main reasons i use card is i dont want the typical kurd or paki cornershop to be able to do tax fraud. by using card the transaction is recorded and they get buttfucked hard if they try to sneak it away from taxation. maybe thats what you think? tax=bad?

Where exactly does contactless card come in here? If anything that's the most common

F at least another 15 years
Are you scared firstoids?

>cash bad
>gooolag good

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I order everything online with our national payment app (Vipps)

Elder god tier:

this is actually based

F-B tier
S tier = lolno

S tier.
People use Swish here. Perfect payment/money transfer method.

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Sounds like some meme startups

researcg found that when people use cash they're morei careful with spending, when they use cards or phones or whatever cashless system, they become dumb consoomers that happily overpay every chance they get
the middle income trap of the individual spender

If you don't know what Swish is then you are either not Swedish or have been locked in a basement for 5 years.

all three

I know what they are you aspie, I'm ridiculing their names

But they're not meme startups. They're extremely successful services.

F tier

bruh, many places don't even take cash anymore

I tap my card or use my watch. The only time I ever use cash is at the chinese takeaway near my house that refuses to use anything but cash, presumably they're tax dodgers


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>what exactly is goverment supposed to do with my money?
It's not supposed to take it from you

I don't use my phone personally ( I use contactless card) but many here do.

S but i wish it was F

Dutch tier

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