Why is losing weight so hard

>173 cm
>101 kg
>months of intense dieting

>98 kg

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you're supposed to eat less, try a light diet

5’8 lad is that you?

Just eat less, you fat fuck retard

>work out 4 days a week
>eat 3500kcal a day
>stand still for 6 months
fuck this shit

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Just exercise, tubby

Are you using a calorie counter? Most people have no idea how little they're actually supposed to eat

Are you not noticing any muscle gains?

I'm doing all the repetitions, i's just not working for me.

>only dieting
You also need to excersise and work out or at least try and do some walking, a few km a day and you might stop being a fatty .

not really

What's that?

>400 reps and 100 sit-ups daily for two years
>literally no difference

Just stop eating you fat fucking fuck

Not really doesn't mean no

It's not, you are just terrible at it.
Be in a 1000+ daily caloric deficit and you will lose weight like a madman.

go 2 weeks without food

Do ritalin

I'm half your weight at the same height. Why is gaining weight so hard?

There are apps where you can scan barcodes and they tell you the nutritional information of the food. Once you enter your details it will tell you how few calories you need to consume if you want to lose x weight by y time period, and you track it by entering what food you eat.

Try intermittent fasting bro. I went from 110kg to 80kg pretty easily. It's not that hard to do except for first few weeks I guess.
If you're interested in knowing more I can reply further with what all things I did to lose weight.

You mean minus 1000? How do I stave my mind away from the hunger? I get hungry every 4-5 hours doing nothing.

I'll look into it
Yeah, im interested. What's i. Fasting?

Seriously check the calories of every single thing you eat. Every one. Even if you don't count them it makes you self-moderate.
Just knowing that made me go from rapidly gaining weight to losing it. But its also been slow because i drink too much.
It's also no linear, if your TDE is 2500 and you eat 1500 you'll lose twice as much weight in the same time as if you eat 2000

and also calories aren't fullness. You wont feel as full after a sandwich with some meat vs 1kg of carrots but they're the same calories

It's funny how some depressed people eat more and some starve. For me, it's not eating. Even my burgeoning alcoholism which sees me only drinking beer and I'm still underweight.

It's false.
Come with me and eat the same things as I do, you'll lose at least 6 kilos a month

Starve in third world

More reps, higher weight. You will see gains once it starts to hurt.

Do you think your fat materializes out of thin air? Count your calories and stay in a defecit and you'll be shocked by how easy it is to lose the fat

t; went from 110kg to 84 kg and I'm still losing fat

2 meals a day consisting of chicken meat cooked without grease, 100 grams of vegetables, a lot of spices and a fruit. Some tea/coffee without sugar and a lot of water.
You cannot maintain your 100kg with that.

also any lean meat is low 100s calories. But fatty meat doubles and triples it.
But you can do anything. Kangaroo, lean pork or beef, chicken breast

How much chicken?

So what's fatty meat? Lamb?

Try to do at least 1.5 km of fast walking/running six days a week before having breakfast. I would not recommend eating past 9:00 p.m. either. Diet is very important, try to eat healthy, and don’t eat much. Avoid carbohydrates if possible. You could always skip breakfast. Fasting from 9:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. would help
a lot though it will be hard first, but your body will get used to it. I would eat lunch like a king and dinner like a poor man. I lost 22 kg in 3 months just by fasting. Meat only diet is also a thing, though I cannot attest to its effectiveness. You can do this man.

>be mood
>Your very own body is constantly supplying you with steroids, since you were 10
>Taller (therefore more calories needed to mentain)
>Somehow become fat
Literally how. The only way this can happen, is if you drink 10L of soda per day, and do nothing but play video games and masturbate all day long

>walk into the middle of the barren desert that is 90% of your country
>only bring water
>by the time someone rescues you you'll look like an auschwitz survivor
not fucking difficult

it depends on the cut of meat, you can just look and see if there fat or skin. All the meat at woolies will have the calories per 100g on it so just the lower the better.
Mince goes from 5% fat 95% lean up to over 25/75 just look first

So how does your diet look like precisely?

Wake up have an egg with bread and coffee

Have lunch my mom made for lunch

Have dinner + a small desert at night

>Wake up
>Eat a small (1L) bowl of chocolate cereal with milk
>Milk has protein, so it cancels out the chocolate
>Reward himself with a nice gaytime
>Go to work(his battlestation to play wow)
>Exhausted from all the walking between kitchen and bedroom, drink a small soda of 3L
>Time for lunch
>Eat three burgers with two patties for protein, to cancel out the rest
>Snacks don't count because they're small
>Dinner is same as lunch

That's already easily over 2.5k calories, even without counting all the snacks and the calories from liquids, stop being delusional, you're just a fatass