What is the best state in america and why????

what is the best state in america and why????

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Tex-mex culture

Alaska or hawaii

you should move to arizona or california it is the best

You don't have to live through the hell that is modern America


Everyone leaves each other alone. You can do your own thing without ever getting bothered or even reading drama in the news. Nobody cares

>join NA server

Aloha :)

I told u to stop shitposting Gonzales

make me

Gotta add that NA servers are always full of weirdos.
While RU servers are typically full of toxic children who rage over the game, EU are full of no life (no mic) nerds from Germany or Finland, whenever I join the NA server it feels like everyone is fucking drunk or stoned all the time, because the amount of retarded shit happening there is just astonishing.

You mean like this? :)




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come to pennsylvania we have mountains, puke chocolate, liberty, funny old fashioned germans, and high suicide rates

1. Pennsylvania
2. Virginia
3. Colorado

If you ask me

all wit wiz

Based PA recommender. Are our suicide rates really that high...?

Nah, I’m going to give an example from Hell Let loose.
Some guy with a heavy southern accent running around the map hipfiring the browning mg into nothing while screaming “die jerries”.
5 people climbing a Sherman tank teabagging it and then exploding into pieces because enemy tank hit it.
Guy plays isis nasheed music and then teamkills the commander with a pistol

ok so maybe more like this?


sounds based

Attached: Constitutionpepe.jpg (720x720, 68.76K)

I'm torn between staying in my native PA with my gf or moving to new england and starting anew as a free man

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I got kicked out of a clan for blasting "Sittin on the dock of the bay". Didn't need them fags anyways.

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Where in PA are you? Where in New England would you go?

t. Philly bro, lived in Boston briefly

Anything but California

From the Main Line originally, lived in Erie, State College, and Pittsburgh briefly, now back around the Main Line. My next stop would be around Harrisburg. My gf if kinda a cunt though which makes a New England adventure interesting. I've only visited on vacation of course. I could probably live the same life I want to live in New England in PA for a lot cheaper.

>I could probably live the same life I want to live in New England in PA for a lot cheaper.
Probably, but the thing about PA is all of our cities fucking suck imo. I’m guessing you went to PSU (if so, so did I) so you know how that area is nice but not ideal. Pittsburgh is just okay. Harrisburg, people seem to like but I don’t. Scranton-Wilkes Barre-Hazleton is nice if you live outside the city and spend all your time hiking but the actual cities are complete garbage. Philly sucks I think. I don’t love Allentown, Reading, or Lancaster. I’ve considered the New England move too desu but I just don’t even know where I’d go. Boston is better than Philly but Pennsylvania is better than Massachusetts. So I guess it’s a matter of city vs rural.

I feel the same. None of our cities have a ton of appeal. The only reason I'd ever go back to state college is for the women. In New England I was thinking of Maine and NH but those states are pretty old and I don't want to be one of the few young ones.

No but it's on the rise, Pennsyltucky has higher than average rates and the Scranton area is often described as one of the most depressing places in America. Deindustrialization really took a toll

.I live near Harrisburg, the surrounding area is quiet and nice but I probably wouldn't be able to find a job here after a graduate (PSU student too). My dad couldn't find a job at all and had to move out of state for one. Harrisburg city is decaying as well, latinos and blacks started piling in in the 1990s/2000s and were the final nail in the coffin. The entire city is in major debt as well.

I’m a Scranton native so I know it’s depressing lol. I just don’t remember high suicide rates but I guess I could see it.

> latinos and blacks started piling in in the 1990s/2000s and were the final nail in the coffin.
The same thing happened here. It’s so bad. I rarely go back.

damn, that's grim. sometimes I even imagine moving out to the rockies because of stuff like this.
I was surprised when I saw the demographics. Lancaster/York were cities that I thought were white but they're actually only 50% or less.

Iktf, I'm hoping I can live decently near DC so I won't be too far away from my family in PA

>The only reason I'd ever go back to state college is for the women.
That’s not even a good reason. Idk how old you are but I went back for like a year when I was like 25. I was taking classes as a Master’s student but dating was awful. It’s different when you’re not a college student anymore but I feel like at least you can get more or less the same thing as Maine or New Hampshire north of State College.

truly is, libtards tried having a BLM protest after a policeman shot a maniac trying to stab him. All the rioters were arrested with $1 million bails so that scared them all off real quick, made me have a little hope for this place. Funniest thing about it was that the guy that got shot was latino and not black.

Yeah, dude. My hometown was 95% white in 2000. Today it’s like 40%. Eastern Pennsylvania should be a case study on chain migration and demographic change.

I wouldn't want to live in those communities. in that sense, a lot of PA is limited unless I want to live in the rural areas. maybe then new england is better. I heard MA has a lot of migrants but not maine or new hampshire.

I saw that. Footage even showed him with the knife. It's idiotic.

thanks for sharing the reality. it was a lot of wishful thinking on my part.