damn, that's grim. sometimes I even imagine moving out to the rockies because of stuff like this.
I was surprised when I saw the demographics. Lancaster/York were cities that I thought were white but they're actually only 50% or less.
What is the best state in america and why????
Iktf, I'm hoping I can live decently near DC so I won't be too far away from my family in PA
>The only reason I'd ever go back to state college is for the women.
That’s not even a good reason. Idk how old you are but I went back for like a year when I was like 25. I was taking classes as a Master’s student but dating was awful. It’s different when you’re not a college student anymore but I feel like at least you can get more or less the same thing as Maine or New Hampshire north of State College.
truly is, libtards tried having a BLM protest after a policeman shot a maniac trying to stab him. All the rioters were arrested with $1 million bails so that scared them all off real quick, made me have a little hope for this place. Funniest thing about it was that the guy that got shot was latino and not black.
Yeah, dude. My hometown was 95% white in 2000. Today it’s like 40%. Eastern Pennsylvania should be a case study on chain migration and demographic change.
I wouldn't want to live in those communities. in that sense, a lot of PA is limited unless I want to live in the rural areas. maybe then new england is better. I heard MA has a lot of migrants but not maine or new hampshire.
I saw that. Footage even showed him with the knife. It's idiotic.
thanks for sharing the reality. it was a lot of wishful thinking on my part.