No. No it isn't. It is made ugly on purpose.
Would you live in a commieblock? Even if they sell a unit to you for a dollar?
I don't mind the house I'm living in right now
t.ant man
no one is forced and they actually have leverage over other ethnicities academically due to affirmative action. keep trying snow monke
Calling that right wing is absurd tough. It's basically traditional architecture, regardless of politics
Or what? The cops will hunt them if they escape and chain them to the block?
We GIVE them a house. We fucking GIVE a house to them. We PAY, we give OUR money to niggers and it still not enough? Fuck you, all they deserve is a dorm. If they want more they can work for it, just like the rest of us who have to pay for their inability to stay alive.
> projects
> affirmative action
Different times, Johnny.
I agree many modern buildings are ugly. Especially ones that are some 30 - 40 years old. But too build new buildings in some kind of neo gothic is cringe and larpy. Literally only the dream of incels who escape the real world with fantasy novels.
>Would you live in a commieblock?
If i don't get fucked on rent yes
If the unit isn't a total shithole yes
if the block isn't in Chernobyl yes
>Even if they sell a unit to you for a dollar?
the left pic is cuba
the right pic is detroit