Would you live in a commieblock? Even if they sell a unit to you for a dollar?

Would you live in a commieblock? Even if they sell a unit to you for a dollar?

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>left wing architecture
this is functional architecture. centrist architecture is the most depressing thing because they would have the means to create something beautiful yet they refuse because they have no soul and do not want others to feel happiness.
leftists are actually emotional people and therefore more inclined to create beautiful art.

I already live in SOVLblox

Without a fucking doubt this shit looks comfy

I already live in one


kinda true. commies built those just to house a lot of people quickly. but capitalists will built identical shit even for rich people to live in and call it top architecture.

Of course, didn't look that different from an apartment here and its pretty much free

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>happiness and emotions
Stop larping

I don't mind living in a small flat if it means I'd have more savings than losses from paying my bills
How do you feel about "traditionalists" who feel that Commieblocks are a means to create a hypothetical socialist state?

> considers living in a commieblock as worthy of an insect
> puts blacks in projects, which are commieblocks
BLM isn't radical enough

To be fair, what does right wing architecture look like?

They don't house poor people.

>the traditionalist
you know EXACTLY how a person who's hiding behind such titles looks like

>giving blacks free shit is oppressive
vodka-brained monke

Gothic Architecture and bumfuck german village houses with cobbled roads

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Small flat = smaller space to clean and cheaper price

Some fat white lard who watches way of the world, Murdoch and red ice tv

> giving blacks free shit is oppressive
More like:
> forcefully putting blacks into projects because they have no other option, cause of lack of economic opportunities

No. No it isn't. It is made ugly on purpose.

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I don't mind the house I'm living in right now
t.ant man

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no one is forced and they actually have leverage over other ethnicities academically due to affirmative action. keep trying snow monke

Calling that right wing is absurd tough. It's basically traditional architecture, regardless of politics

Or what? The cops will hunt them if they escape and chain them to the block?
We GIVE them a house. We fucking GIVE a house to them. We PAY, we give OUR money to niggers and it still not enough? Fuck you, all they deserve is a dorm. If they want more they can work for it, just like the rest of us who have to pay for their inability to stay alive.

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> projects
> affirmative action
Different times, Johnny.

I agree many modern buildings are ugly. Especially ones that are some 30 - 40 years old. But too build new buildings in some kind of neo gothic is cringe and larpy. Literally only the dream of incels who escape the real world with fantasy novels.

>Would you live in a commieblock?
If i don't get fucked on rent yes
If the unit isn't a total shithole yes
if the block isn't in Chernobyl yes
>Even if they sell a unit to you for a dollar?


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the left pic is cuba
the right pic is detroit

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> we
Fuck off, larper. White Frogs live in commieblocks too.

>Be accepted in high education more easily
>Be given job opportunities
>Be given a home
>Still complain that the system is keeping you down
You can't help niggers. We have tried to feed Africans for 200 years and failed. We have tried to lift the niggers in America and Europe and it just don't work.

One day or another, we will have to stop trying.

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These things happened in different times. No one forcing blacks to live in new projects anymore, because of black subjectivity movements like BLM. I'm just saying they're radical enough

No. Muslims and niggers do. They hunt the whites there.
And they too, complain that we "force" them to live in there while not one of them is forced to stay.
I am angry because I have to pay the bill and it's not even for something useful.

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That's the joke.

right wing architeture

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>These things happened in different times. No one forcing blacks to live in new projects anymore, because of black subjectivity movements like BLM. I'm just saying they're radical enough

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> we
> he keeps larping
Are you American tourist or smth? European situation is different

you're actually unknowingly agreeing with me. that architecture school is made by centrists. neoliberals are not left, they just like to use empty rethoric. they want sameness, corporate power and globalism.

>>These things happened in different times. No one forcing blacks to live in new projects anymore, because of black subjectivity movements like BLM. I'm just saying they're radical enough

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Croatian commieblock yes, Russian/Ukrainian/Chinese commieblock no

> I am angry because I have to pay the bill and it's not even for something useful.
Well, you pay huge taxes in EU for healthcare and education that you're necessarily use all the time, but pay for it all the time.
> I'm just saying they're radical enough
Sorry, meant to say, not radical enough

vertical soulless architecture bad
horizontal soulless architecture good

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Alt-rights have muddled the idea of traditional architecture and combined it with their political leanings
Shit's fucked anyways. I might as well post an image of a traditional Filipino or Indonesian house and say its right winged architecture

segregation ended in the 60s you retard. no one is forced anywhere

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* not necessarily use all the time

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The whole point of khrushchyovkas was that they were supposed to be mass produced to combat homelessness in the Soviet Union.
I mean yeah, they're not all that pretty, but desperate times called for desperate measures.

>neo gothic
I prefer art deco

Segregation was only part of a big system of racist societal organization policies. There's still plenty