How do Latinos feel about the fact that we are now live in a world where the term latinx is commonly used and pushed by the media
How do Latinos feel about the fact that we are now live in a world where the term latinx is commonly used and pushed by...
it’s retarded but I’m not concerned
all i care about is putting my fat cock up his big ass (not gay btw)
>doesn't concern me
Ok latinx user
I don't believe you
>How do Latinos feel
How do Latinx peoples feel*
Oh right sorry
In what media? I've barely heard "latino" being used on swedish media whatsoever.
Also sex sex sex
Is that a man?
This happened yesterday
What makes you think that
might be a male but it's far from being a man
That's just the latin american X-games.
Hate it almost as much as i hate fags
Men are the ones who raw dog him in front of his gf
>raw dog him in front of his gf
I don't get your joke swedeanon
>Latinx Games Festival
>Latin X-Games Festival
I guess not everyone has heard of X-games. It's not even a funny joke if you get it though.
Ok I get it lol
It's such a dumb joke
>t. chicANX
A bit rude saudianon
Is there something special in the hispxnic diet of mexicx?
i fucking wish i knew their secrets
There is nothing wrong with it, it's like calling Europeans, euros.
You already have a good bunda though and he's a bit extreme. I know because I have exemplary taste.
>There is nothing wrong with it, it's like calling Europeans, euros.
No it like calling European...Eurx or Europxan. Retarded feminists tried to change "women" to "womyn" because the word "men" inside "women" triggers them.
Are there any nudes of him? I want to gaze at his cock.
but mine isnt that good
it only looks good when i bend down...
All his pics are photoshopped to shit, you can even see distortion sometimes.
Pretty pathetic.
umm who asked?
So far unconcerned since it's not used in the actual spanish speaking world at all
still worthy of (forced)insemination
perhaps you could highlight an example instead of getting your panties in a twist
Start doing squats and hip thrusts saudi. You're fine.
fucking lewd....
how is it possible to have an ass like that
He's not even fat
No one is triggered here except Latinxes, it's literary Latino but they changed the -o to -x, negros are nègres in French, Latino is Latinx in America. Cope.
i used to do them but im too lazy these days..
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