Virtually the same specs

Specs mean whatever I want them to!

None of these are my pictures. I haven't had any problems with my dock scratching the system since I jammed a fucking massive hard cover book in it, widened it up, and put strips of microfiber cloth on the rails inside the dock. Maybe Nintendo should reconsider what they make their consoles out of.

That is way too much effort and modification when you could've just avoided trying to slam your system into the dock like an ape like your picture did.

my system has parts with a higher number than your systems parts, they may be rendering virtually identical looking games but that higher number definitely matters!!1

Any port in a storm, eh? Fuck outta here.

Attached: 1578765299600.jpg (1492x1584, 319.35K)

I find it kind of odd that the Wii U's marketing fell for the same thing Xbox's marketing did with the whole
>tv tv sports call of duty

Like why was this even a thing, I remember Battlefield 3 and COD being advertised for the Wii U and stuff like Watchdogs and Deus Ex got releases.

a bit ironic that all the games Switch had for a while was nothing but Wii U ports.

It's less slamming it like an ape and more trouble lining it up and keeping it straight while you insert it into the dock. Combine this with the fact that many docks are defective and bend inward and the problem is a little more nuanced than not using force. But keep up the corporate cum guzzling, Nintendo has never made oversights in their design before.

Attached: 0mJZCEt.jpg (1471x812, 75.25K)

>virtually the same specs
not so fast

Attached: switchweakerthanwiiu.png (340x242, 8.25K)

>Discoloration on gray Joycons
try to wash those greasy dirty hands every once in a while.