Tes VI :Redfall leak

no. the "fallout 4 engine" is the morrowind engine

>NPCs that can't die
>game dialogs force player to go to the next quest even though the philosophy of the game is to let players go about it at their own pace
>level scaling bullshit
>advertised as RPG
>still can't decide whether to be an RPG or a dudebro action game
>actually a subpar action adventure game
>more RPG elements casualized to the point that it's not even an RPG anymore
>will push paid mods
>can't mod without paying a fee
>major cities with 10 NPCs in them

>A heavier modded Fallout 4 Gamebryo engine sounds like the most probable engine they used.
yeah, most likely this, but in PR they will push it as "a completely new engine"
then you open up the creation kit and find references to the FO3 chem addiction mechanics

(are) (a) (faggot)

skyrim had more rpg elements than oblivion and fo4 had more player choice than fo3

examples: perk trees in skyrim, fo4 actually having multiple endings and well motivated antagonists instead of forcing you into the suicide vat against all logic

You surely mean terminator engine