Wait, do you mean it's gonna use the Fallout 4 engine or something?
Tes VI :Redfall leak
When were Skyrim and Fallout 4 revealed? I think roughly a year before they each came out?
There's still quite a lot of time before it comes out for them to do all the pre-release bullshit.
1-it will contain a second word,but not even Todd Howard knows what it would be
3-where did you see a 100% date ,i said ~2023 not 2023
4-it will be just a old engine under a new name and heavy modifications
5-how do you know
6-see 5
TL;DR is just stupid
They will downplay the uniqueness of both Highrock and Hammerfell if they have the balls to work on two regions. We'll definitely start in Highrock since we need to have a -safe- zone for everyone to get started in. Hammerfell will probably just be a sahara desert with one or two towns at the border. Remember how unique places like Cyrodiil and Skyrim were in Morrowind lore and the games before it?
include me in the screencap, faggot
They say that it will be ''unique'',but knowing them it would be anything but unique
Starfield will most likely be some sort of Mass Effect/No Man's Sky hybrid. A sci-fi RPG where you have several planets (which could all be open worlds of their own) to explore.
their engine can't handle procedural generation, don't count on it. If it's multiple planets, it's VERY small regions of each planet with invisible walls around it
They wouldn't need to be procedurally generated, though. Each planet could be handcrafted, just like the worlds in the Elder Scrolls games are.
you're overestimating Bethesda's competency