>new engine
Fake as fuck
Tes VI :Redfall leak
Just that Bethesda has falsely sold their Gamebryo update as a new engine in the past. Not that I care because I'm not a nodev that thinks a new engine will fix all of Bethesda's problems.
they where both shit , and shit engines and graphics.
And no the game will not a ship mechanic
>It will be on a new engine
Obvious fake leak aside, shouldn't we first ask what the hell Star field is all about? We haven't heard anything about it ever and it's supposed to be the next big thing of Bethesda. How come we know more about TES6 than about starfield that is being released several years earlier?
>fallout 4
That’s how I know this post is bait. But he clearly means that those weren’t new engines at all.
Says who?
>Elder Scrolls: Nigger Land
who gives a fuck. I wanted to see how the khajit live when their race is in charge and instead we got desert skyrim.
>On a new engine
Lmao fucking disregarded. That will never happen.