Jannies can eat a dick, these threads are allowed edition

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Pokken trial, Xenoblade DE, Pokemon Pinball RS
Nothing at the moment
Idle chitchat
Posts, news, messages from friends
Artichoke dip, fruit, pickled veggies. Maybe some leftover curry since I'm starving
Some vodka+lemonade thing. Got a Hofbraü dunkel waiting for me and some peanut butter stout to split
Hell no
Nope, we on nofap and holding back now that we're with the gf again. Sneaking feels of her huge ass and belly instead.
More exhausted than I have felt in ages. Been helping the gf pack up to move in, cleaning, running around town. We took today to "chill" and went kayaking. Love that shit. Now we're kicking back with drinks and food with a few friends - thankfully everyone's been so secluded corona is a non-issue.
Headed out tomorrow to take a two day roadtrip to go back to my place with her dog. He's a total cutie. Been nervous since I never had a pet in all of my years, but he's a good boy. Really looking forward to this trip though. Roadtrip with my favorite music blasting and my girl at my side? Few things are better.

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Fallout 1, maybe some Tanki
Binging some Scaretheater in the background
Same as above
Haven't done it since school desu
Mr. Pibb
Too much of a square for that

Paper Mario 64, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year-Door, and Yakuza 2
Haibane Renmei
Violator by Depeche Mode
Cheese Pizza
Dr. Pepper
I don't smoke
Horrible. I tried asking friends if they wanted to hang out this weekend, but they were all busy, so I'm spending it alone. I legitimately feel like I'm going to hurt myself since I hate myself and my life.
>Fallout 1
Nice. That's my second-favorite in the series behind New Vegas.

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Halo MCC, gonna finish 3's campaign with a buddy tonight.
Nioh, gave it up pretty early on when I first played it, but I came back to it recently and it's all clicking now. Really good shit, game seems huge but I hope I can beat it before Nioh 2 comes to PC.
Baseball and hockey playoffs. Fuck the former, bunch of idiots can't run anywhere near a safe or sane league and it's going to get shut down soon, I think.
Dire Straits
Beasts of No Nation, spoiled myself to a handful of new books so excited to dive into them all.
Homemade pizza
Gatorade, water
8/10, getting outside more, exercising on my road bike and putting on the miles, and dropping some pounds, down about a dozen already. Life is good, trying to stay content and appreciative.

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Is 2 any good? I'm thinking of trying it out once I beat the first one.

Spelunky earlier. Streamed a bit and had like 8 viewers!
Forensic files
Reese cup
Smoking roaches since I'm out of green
All right

Fallout 2 or Yakuza 2? Fallout 2 is great but I found the atmosphere to be a lot worse. There's a lot more side content though, and if you like New Vegas, you'll like 2. Yakuza 2 is basically an improvement on 1 in every aspect. Better story, better gameplay, better world and side content, and better villain.

Yakuza Kiwami 2 and I absolutely love it
I’m thinking of either giving The Man in The High Castle a watch or Electric Dreams. I’m a huge fan of Philip K Dick but most adaptations of his work are shit
Tera Melos, Daughters, Acoustic Ladyland, Breadwinner, and Hella
The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch. One of Dick’s better novels
A simple Italian sub sandwich with some pistachios on the side
Whisky highballs
Just restocked today but also DUDE
Pretty great. Ready to get a new job soon and start working again. I’ve felt way too lazy lately

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MGSV and maybe MGS2 if I'm up for it later
Mega 64 playlist
Spicy black bean burger, it was pretty good.
Water and coffee
Nothing today
Alright, not looking forward to next semester but whatever.

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Classic wow
Just finished chihayafuru s3 today, might start the night manager later
Tower of God convinced me to give webtoons another chance, so I'm reading solo leveling atm
Wild cherry pepsi
Corruption doujins if there's anything new that's been TL'd recently (there's been a drought), if not then probably whatever random JAV videos I come across
Alright, no major obligations until school starts back up in two weeks.

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GTA Online, solo/with friends lobbies are always fun
finally got around to watching Akagi, great series and I'm really starting to get Mahjong
the TV
this thread and others
ordered delivery, bacon cheeseburg and onion rings
cheap DUDE
Alright, it's a good day to not do shit.

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FFXIII on pc.
Haruhi light novel audiobook.
No idea yet
Alright, but I feel like sitting in a computer chair gives me cramps in my pelvis. I dont have this issue on a yoga ball or the couch.

nice. first time?

how is kiwami 1? after 0 I felt satisfied with the series but I wanna play 1 next now that it's been a while.

3's campaign was so kino just played it for the first time on pc

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Do you guys happen to have Game Pass? K1's been on there a while and K2 was just added recently.

>nice. first time?
I played it a long time ago along with the others and never liked any of them, I recently got them again, played them with an open mind and love them.

Half-Life Alyx
Fresh Prince
Half-Life music
Tae Kim
I came to a realisation about how pathetic I am today after having a lot of fun with VR and realising that the only things I do, and the only things I look forward to, anymore are mindless consumerism of vidya, TV and streamers. It's made me really want to do something about it and take control of my life, to actually do productive things and work towards a better future. It'll be hard as fuck, but I'm going to really try as hard as I can.

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I had it for a while on pc but it was a pain for it to work

i finally platinumed Ghost of Tsushima. first game i ever 100%'d achievements for. not sure what i'll play next. either i'll buy FF7R or go back to WoW for a bit.
Shark Tank. just some background noise.
new Marilyn Manson song. i have a soft spot for the bands i listened to as a teen. it's actually pretty good, it's some Bowie/Eno type shit, he's working with Shooter Jennings so i'm curious to see if the rest of the album is as weird.
bacon wrapped jalapeno poppers i cooked in my air fryer
comfy, i got a new desk (really it's a work bench) that's adjustable height so i can stand for a few hours and then lower it when i'm done and kick my feet up on a stool
yuri anal stuff because it's based

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Sonic Generations. A friend of mine said he didn't play the challenge levels, which I think is kind of weird, since they're different maps altogether most of the time.
Agent Aika
Seaside Hills theme. It's so fucking good, bros.
ReactJS documentation.
Tortilla chips and queso.
Anxious as always.

I actually just downloaded 2, since I played the first. The first aged poorly so I'm worried about 2.

Boneworks, trying to finish up the last 2 preppers for Death Stranding.
GF pulled me to watch Rise of Skywalker. It was ok.
Trash Taste podcast.
Nazi Germany Explained by Vernon Bartlett
Cannelloni from last night filled with ricotta and spinach
Ice cold water.
Nofap until my new onas come in.
Pretty decent, I have a plan on how I'm going to approach work for the next week and if I can hit those goals then I'll be satisfied.

Is GTA online still riddled with hackers?

Identify the things you want to achieve, and lay out what steps you need to reach it. Use that awareness to fuel your motivation. Also how are you enjoying Alyx so far?

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Nioh 2, getting my ass kicked in dream of the demon, been running a fire and gunsticks build for base game and strong but probably gonna try a new build and weapons
Nothing, might watch Community later
Centimeter - The Peggies
Chat messages for a group project
Pizza bread
Average, really should be studying coding cause I'm really really shit at it and lagging behind in class.

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That's pretty much the plan.
>Also how are you enjoying Alyx so far?
I'm liking it a lot. I was surprised by how fun it is even just to do basic things like throwing bottles, moving barrels and reloading the pistol.

Don't forget to study, user. You don't want to be the retard in class that doesn't know what they're doing.

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Kiwami 1 is good but not nearly as good as 0 or Kiwami 2

Ghosts of tsushima, great palette cleaner after the dumpster fire that was TLOU2
all of the indiana jones movies, great time.
the Paper Mario Origami King OST slaps.
nothing at the moment, might start reading steins;gate since its just chilling on my steam library.
Mexican variety chips: flaming hot edition
don't smoke
things are looking up to be ok

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Waiting for a Raidou Kuzunoha iso to install
Youtube shit mainly, and some shit on shudder
Harley Poe
Nothing today
water and had a chocolate egg cream
ERP and slut posting on trash
Alright gonna head to a local farmers market tomorrow morning

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What made you choose React over Angular? I'm currently deciding which one to lean into.

Yeah it makes very basic actions much more involved. VR is still in its infancy but if these systems can be further refined, I'm pretty optimistic about its future. I intend to be part of that development.

This. Don't burn yourself out doing it, but if you can devote a minimal amount of time today then you will be that much further ahead.

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I'm currently getting a grasp of it for an upcoming job. I mostly do back-end shit (read: Go), but this is going to be full-stack Javascript. I haven't checked out Angular, and it seems like React has redundant ways of doing things. No idea why.

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It's mainly software shit I'm doing in C#, like learning Japanese or French, I can understand what the words mean and what they're used for but for the life of me I can't structure them into a functioning sentence

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Don't feel too discouraged that you don't understand things immediately. Everyone is like that initially, as programming is more of a way of thinking than anything else. Just keep studying and doing assignments.

>eh maybe some cradle of filth in a bit
>Zig Forums

>hackers in GTA
Honestly I wouldn't know, I play on Xbox.
Say what you will about Live but I don't think I've ever encountered a hacker in GTA or RDO.

It's literally my first time coding and I just started 2 weeks ago. Its just a half a year course to see if I can get a good enough grasp of PC work to move onto a degree, html and data management have been pretty easy to figure out so far.

Last I played there quite a few hackers but they mainly fucked people who would would give them shit in chat or fought back after being killed, aside from that they tended to leave you alone but I'm in NZ so maybe I have different servers and players