Game reviewer fights his evil side

Escapist finally fired his ass and he acted like it was a good thing.

>The video pauses
>Reviewer waddles up to screen to rant about something inconsequential for minutes

what killed it? gaming retrospectives? scott the woz? i don't really feel it's declined so much as i just watch less of those videos nowadays

Its called voice frying and they do it to themselves because they're retarded.

Attached: 1588774244729.png (369x600, 150.41K)

>Reviewer creates a furry version of themself as part of a joke or gag.
>Furry version becomes more prominent as time goes on.

Attached: 1534195135205.png (512x512, 60.73K)

Probably being fat and gay in a basement somewhere.

Hmmm, I wonder

name one

>game reviewer gives the game a higher rating because he grew up with the franchise

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