What are the best jogging shoes?
What are the best jogging shoes?
I like to pick the ones that work best for trespassing on construction sites, the well known reasonable all-american pastime
>B-b-but glass and nails!
Just don't step in those, dipshit.
Cope incel
I think you mean African American
Same thing.
The Österreich Filschirmjäger Kampfsteifel as part of the Kampfanzug 03 outfit
Lmfao. I fucking love these threads. They're hilarious every time and they piss off all the niggerLovers
brainlet here, what's this about?
I used to go running in hiking shoes and still run faster than all my peers.
Just be yourself bro
a few days ago a nigger went to a construction site and stole shit then went running through the nearest neighborhood looking for a home to break into with his newly found stolen hammer. Then a couple hicks caught wind and started driving around looking for him and eventually ran into the nigger and they were basically attempting to do a citizens arrest but the nigger chimped out and attacked the guys which led to them blowing the niggers head clear off.
Standard /pol misinformation/agitation raid. They're spamming multiple boards.
what misinformation?
This is the true news version of the many versions of this (((news))) story.
tell us the non/pol/ truth then.
racist here.
proof of hammer?
i haven't seen the hammer, i thought maybe they're misidentifying the dropped tool you see on the road in the video. but that's actually just an assumption i have made.
so i have posited that the hammer might be disinfo to help the supporters of the black guy think he is innocent.
(the hammer isn't real therefore he dindu nuffin!)
>be me
>jogging through majority black neighborhood
>see a construction site and have a look around
>get bored and return to jogging
>2 nigs pull up next to me with guns
>'what were u doin in that house white boy'
>freak out and try moving the gun away
>they shoot me and i die
hmm.. guess i deserved it
>jogging through a majority black neighbourhood
Yes, you actually did for being such a fucking idiot.
>2 nigs
>can't even say niggers
What a fucking faggot you are. You're secretly a niggerLover. When's your girlfriend's next date with the town nigger?
amazing thing is all these sois sticking up for the black guy would actually agree that a white guy deserved to die for that.
Some hicks in a pickup shot some guy, took a video, and uploaded it onto the Internet
really depressing explanation in that there are definitely minds that will stop here and not look for more context.
He wasn't shot for jogging, he wasn't even shot for robbing that construction site. He was shot because he tried to take a gun away from the guys doing the citizen arrest thing. Come on dude, why do you need to spin about race?
they wouldn't have done it if he was white
You stupid fucking nigger Lover. Go drown yourself in the fecal matter of 100 niggers.
Good point, whites drastically do less crimes so there would not be a point in doing a citizen's arrest.
maybe, idk. this is literally just your own speculation doe. I go with facts and what can be proven.
what if we started looking at every black on white crime as a hate crime? this is not the way to fix things bro
beyond based
you're telling a lie but you're feeling the truth.
it wouldn't have happened if the guy was white because a white guy wouldn't have been dumb enough to grab the gun and assault the guy.
he would have gone "this is some real shit, better wait for the police and i'll be out in 2 hours, lol."
100% this. Niggers cannot plan more than 1 second into the future so they act only by primal instincts which means they act like an enraged animal when threatened which is exactly what happened.
as a fellow racist hammer seems like bullshit
No leftypol there are white people who will fight for the gun. It's time to stop spamming your nonsense.
You're calling me leftypol for saying niggers are dumb animals?
Yes a white person might do it. If they're nigger-tier retarded or drugged up to their eyeballs.
But what I think he is feeling is "a normal white person under normal circumstances would not end like this black person did."
And that's the reason - that the white guy would not attempt trial by combat.
If you think all races act the same you're retarded, m8.
>It's time to stop spamming your nonsense.
>spams nonsense
you fucking retard. i said if he was white, meaning if he did all the exact same things but was white they wouldn't have shot him. is this very difficult to understand for you?
You think that if a white guy is holding a gun and a white criminal tries to grab the gun off of him - it would end well?
Does swallowing black guy's cum lower your IQ?
Time to get a better grasp on English
Zig Forumstards
Time for you to get a better grasp on what leftypol actually represents. You keep going from thread to thread misusing the term.
the jogger wasn't a criminal. Youre dumb enough to accidentally admit it's not actually because he was black and the constant hurrr black cum doesn't agitate people
>no rebuttal
I guess I win then, faggot.
Lel, nice display of narcissim there, m8. Remember this: when you don't have an argument you switch into a mode of feeling bored, or indignant, or righteous or whatever else so you don't have to feel like a dumb cunt who is wrong.
That is likely because you have high trait narcissism.
You are recognizable everytime you post, leftypol. You don't fool anyone with 'a-actually I'm a white nationalist'.
>stole shit
>citation needed