Zig Forumstards
What are the best jogging shoes?
Time for you to get a better grasp on what leftypol actually represents. You keep going from thread to thread misusing the term.
the jogger wasn't a criminal. Youre dumb enough to accidentally admit it's not actually because he was black and the constant hurrr black cum doesn't agitate people
>no rebuttal
I guess I win then, faggot.
Lel, nice display of narcissim there, m8. Remember this: when you don't have an argument you switch into a mode of feeling bored, or indignant, or righteous or whatever else so you don't have to feel like a dumb cunt who is wrong.
That is likely because you have high trait narcissism.
You are recognizable everytime you post, leftypol. You don't fool anyone with 'a-actually I'm a white nationalist'.
>stole shit
>citation needed