>hey guys im totally a swole lifter chad and definitely not a dyel but dont you guys hate women?
Nice try incel
Start lifting for women
Jaxson Wood
Josiah Hill
Based Mike.
Kayden Ward
sounds like you have never actually spoken to women for anything other than to try and get sex out of her
Nicholas Evans
Have sex incel
Austin Ramirez
Why the fuck would you ever speak to one any other way?
Caleb Gray
it's the entire west
Evan Diaz
This! So much this!
Carter Ramirez
Take the 2D pill
William Rogers
>be chad god mode
>lose virginity sophomore year
>she cheats on me in 4 months with 2 senior football players
Doesn’t matter if you’re a 3/10 or what, roasties gonna roast
Hunter Adams
That’s literally the only reason women are worth talking too.