Start lifting for women

>start lifting for women
>grow to hate women
>start cutting to look better for women
>post body pics on Instagram to try and become a "fitness influencer" (cringe)
>see every girl on Instagram is literally insane
>like literally mental
>hate women more

I wish I could just be gay or turn off my sex drive fuck

Is the 'trap pill' the final solution for us Zig Forums guys?

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American woman are the problem.

Become muslim, our women are well trained

Have you had sex?
Kissing/cuddling/sharing body heat is pretty nice user

No, its Christ. Want to forgo sex? Do it for Him.

I'm not American

You are a 3/10 who can't get any women therefore you are sexually frustrated and blame them for the failures of your own life.

>You are a 3/10

>who can't get any women
not true I've "got" women before

>therefore you are sexually frustrated
Nope and its not about sex anyway.

>blame them for the failures of your own life.
My failures are my own and have nothing to do with women or getting women

Try another one, roastie.

must be a 2/10 then lmfao

Sounds like ur attracting the wrong kind of women for you.

>hey guys im totally a swole lifter chad and definitely not a dyel but dont you guys hate women?
Nice try incel

Based Mike.

sounds like you have never actually spoken to women for anything other than to try and get sex out of her

Have sex incel

Why the fuck would you ever speak to one any other way?

it's the entire west


This! So much this!

Take the 2D pill

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>be chad god mode
>lose virginity sophomore year
>she cheats on me in 4 months with 2 senior football players

Doesn’t matter if you’re a 3/10 or what, roasties gonna roast

That’s literally the only reason women are worth talking too.

Sexist pos kys

Post face and body


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I've slept with almost 30 girls and I feel similar to OP
As soon as my high school sweetheart and i broke up its all been downhill from there
The good ones get married and settle into their little suburban desk job lives and I choose from the leftovers

Are they though? And how likely is the local Muslim community to accept the new convert?

roastie be gone!

This but unironically. I have never had a chick for a platonic friend outside of my gfs friends.

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Bro you’re fat

You've proven all of our points. You're roasting yourself
Stop hating on women because you're too incapable of taking responsibility for your shortcomings. Ngmi

user is this actually you??

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>find the majority of the general public repulsive
>upset when he tries to dive headfirst into the general public finding things he doesn’t like or agree with

you’re an idiot. the general public throughout history have been fucking braindead retards. Stop looking for women on IG, on tinder, on social media. That is the general public.

I've read this guy's book. It's basically just retarded rambling but it's pretty based

In my mosque we got a few white people and people dont got no problem with them

It would only be a problem if you are in the middle east with the war torn crazy Muslims

Based Mike posters

Oh no no no

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the incel is strong in this one

Yeah Mike is a neat dude. I've talked to him a few times, and for someone so autistic, he's always been a chill and fun guy to interact with.

dyel it back a bit

>lift for little girls
>still love them

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>why yes, my camera does take 1x1 photos!

I've had a few guys at work that asked if I would convert so I'd marry their sisters.
They say the same thing, Muslim women are superior to westerners.
I didn't really think about it though, it was a couple years ago during a July Ramadan and we were working the night shift. Fuck starving and dehydrating yourself for 18 hours.