What's the final solution to the incel problem and why is it violence?

What's the final solution to the incel problem and why is it violence?

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The final solution is castration


violence only leads to them being more violent, show compassion

Lifting. Intense Lifting. Nothing else but self improvement can stop Incels from being, well, incels.

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These things are supposed to be witty and funny not emotional and over written you poofter

Lmao OP what's got you so worked up, guy? You balding, ugly, or both?

>image on Zig Forums accusing other social media platform of being an incel forum

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Did you see him in the other thread? Dude is pissed. Must be going through a tough time.

>Call my university's wellness center in March to book a psychological assessment
>Earliest they can get me in is May 7th
>Speak to a family doctor for half an hour, who refers me for more in depth assessment by a psychiatrist in June
>Speak to psychiatrist for an hour and a half, who doesn't give a diagnosis and says she needs to consult a more senior colleague
>She'll deliver the treatment plan to the family doctor, who will refer me to another psychiatrist for long-term therapy
>Family doctor is on vacation in June and July, so that will occur in August at the earliest

>TFW neither
>Lookucks lash out for being all three for free
Post body or back to

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ur turn

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You've got him in a corner now dude.

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Why not post your body? Surely you're not worried about it...

>Zig Forums filename
At least copy the fn next time so it'll be somewhat believable

Done coping yet?

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The saddest part is that somewhere out there there's a discord with 3 or 4 of these dipshits where they coordinate to flood our catalog with retarded lookism shit
And the janitors let them because they pay for Zig Forums passes

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Naw sorry. was meant for

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where you at, guy? still waiting for that pic

Lookism fags have never posted body, not even when anons post first or when you say "no you"

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LOL fucking loser.
Have fun seething with the other cope posters.

It's genuinely concerning how obsessed and angry you are with people on the internet.

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This is me, I wont post a timestamp because neither of us are liars, right?

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Keep digging that hole, my guy.

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do u realise lookism net is full of gl chads and uggos get bullied off?

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>He doesn't know about the archives
Next time, copy the filename so it'll be somewhat believable.
I just want to talk about fitness and you cucks brigade the catalog with slide threads for free.

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Your heart's in the right place but this is peak
>Lefty memes
with all the fucking words.
Anyway, these people are insane. I mean that literally. Look at any of their forums, they're legitimately mentally ill. Describing their daily routines, their interactions with others, and their autistic flowcharts that describe every aspect of human behavior, wrongly. The whole thing's a big coping mechanism - to say "there's no hope" is to absolve the self of responsibility. To say that your romantic failures were predestined, that it's okay to give up. There's something sickly attractive about that. Perhaps they even find it liberating. I feel very bad for them.

>I just want to talk about fitness
So why not talk about fitness instead of seething and spamming about a random forum

Paying for a pass pretty much makes you and your bullshit untouchable

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