What's the final solution to the incel problem and why is it violence?

>Call my university's wellness center in March to book a psychological assessment
>Earliest they can get me in is May 7th
>Speak to a family doctor for half an hour, who refers me for more in depth assessment by a psychiatrist in June
>Speak to psychiatrist for an hour and a half, who doesn't give a diagnosis and says she needs to consult a more senior colleague
>She'll deliver the treatment plan to the family doctor, who will refer me to another psychiatrist for long-term therapy
>Family doctor is on vacation in June and July, so that will occur in August at the earliest

>TFW neither
>Lookucks lash out for being all three for free
Post body or back to

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ur turn

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You've got him in a corner now dude.

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Why not post your body? Surely you're not worried about it...

>Zig Forums filename
At least copy the fn next time so it'll be somewhat believable

Done coping yet?

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