>Call my university's wellness center in March to book a psychological assessment
>Earliest they can get me in is May 7th
>Speak to a family doctor for half an hour, who refers me for more in depth assessment by a psychiatrist in June
>Speak to psychiatrist for an hour and a half, who doesn't give a diagnosis and says she needs to consult a more senior colleague
>She'll deliver the treatment plan to the family doctor, who will refer me to another psychiatrist for long-term therapy
>Family doctor is on vacation in June and July, so that will occur in August at the earliest
What's the final solution to the incel problem and why is it violence?
Ayden Thompson
Aaron Scott
>TFW neither
>Lookucks lash out for being all three for free
Post body or back to
Nicholas Cooper
Jayden Perry
ur turn
Josiah Diaz
You've got him in a corner now dude.
Logan Morris
Wyatt Smith
Jace Bell
Why not post your body? Surely you're not worried about it...
Hudson Flores
>Zig Forums filename
At least copy the fn next time so it'll be somewhat believable
Parker Campbell
Done coping yet?