Goal Body Thread

I'd say left is top and right the bottom, but who knows.

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Unironically this guy. He has great shoulders, great biceps with vascularity, his quads look great. What I like about his physique is that you can tell he lifts even with clothes on.

Yet, he's not "huge." I feel this is realistically attainable without gear. I'm sure gear would help get there faster, but I think it's doable natty. I think this would be easy to maintain and still be able to have a good work/social life.

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why always the assumption of fixed positions?

Tight pants, tight groupings, surely a marksman would like to capitalize on that.

>brought to you by the jewish propaganda machine
Seems legit

>nah, I ain’t goin back to jail for some lil white pussy that don’t mean nothing to me

>this actually happened
>find out niece is dating black guy
>ask her after Christmas dinner when she's going to be a single mom
>gets indignant, pissed off, calls me a racist
>two years later, she's a single mom to a mixed kid

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look like zyzz so you too can pick up 5/10 junkie girls with shit tits lol

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