Goal Body Thread
Can you post some blonde man? I’m not attracted to brown haired ones.
>your 18 year old daughter brings him home
Fuck off, trannies
>oh you met your mom's bull
god i wish that were me
Wonder which is the top and which is the bottom?
I'd say left is top and right the bottom, but who knows.
Unironically this guy. He has great shoulders, great biceps with vascularity, his quads look great. What I like about his physique is that you can tell he lifts even with clothes on.
Yet, he's not "huge." I feel this is realistically attainable without gear. I'm sure gear would help get there faster, but I think it's doable natty. I think this would be easy to maintain and still be able to have a good work/social life.
why always the assumption of fixed positions?
Tight pants, tight groupings, surely a marksman would like to capitalize on that.
>brought to you by the jewish propaganda machine
Seems legit
>nah, I ain’t goin back to jail for some lil white pussy that don’t mean nothing to me
>this actually happened
>find out niece is dating black guy
>ask her after Christmas dinner when she's going to be a single mom
>gets indignant, pissed off, calls me a racist
>two years later, she's a single mom to a mixed kid
look like zyzz so you too can pick up 5/10 junkie girls with shit tits lol
U mad?
>be gay
>take boyfriend to family Christmas
>he's a tiny brown guy from a SE asian country
>conservative family members all say it was a shock but he seems like a great guy
>within a day they have completely accepted him as part of the family
>the more... progressive... members have issues
>accuse me of fetishizing him
>say it's sick and wrong to "pay some guy from a poor village to have sex with you"
>he's a corporate lawyer in a European city...
>eventually accuse me a being a pedophile because "he's so short he looks like a child!"
>he's literally the average height for his race
>he's only two years younger than me
He's so aesthetic I didn't even notice he had an outie
You're never progressive enough for some people
Kys faggot
welcome to being a white male. if only you knew the privilege you had of being a faggot.
why are you gay?
Lmao, glad you got the good side on your side
have you met a woman?
95% of people don't know i'm gay