Been out tossing rocks, grunting and intimidating thots and chads in the park. Feels good to be Asian. Watch me flex
Been out tossing rocks, grunting and intimidating thots and chads in the park. Feels good to be Asian. Watch me flex
That really you?
Do you have a specific routine? Or do you just mess around until you feel like you've had enough? Also is that all you do?
based autistic future mass shooter
Toss rocks off* Failure
mirin autistic confidence - not a bad workout bqh
I want to believe that "apexasian" is just some bored fat white kid reposting this youtuber's content for laughs. That scenario is much more comforting to me.
what do i tell my barber to get his haircut? and what products do you suppose he uses for it to stay on his head so nicely while boulder tossing?
No products. He's an advocate of no poo.
no fucking way you can slick back 10 cm of hair from the front to back and have it stay firmly while tossing boulders lmao
unironically based