Been out tossing rocks, grunting and intimidating thots and chads in the park. Feels good to be Asian. Watch me flex
Been out tossing rocks, grunting and intimidating thots and chads in the park. Feels good to be Asian. Watch me flex
That really you?
Do you have a specific routine? Or do you just mess around until you feel like you've had enough? Also is that all you do?
based autistic future mass shooter
Toss rocks off* Failure
mirin autistic confidence - not a bad workout bqh
I want to believe that "apexasian" is just some bored fat white kid reposting this youtuber's content for laughs. That scenario is much more comforting to me.
what do i tell my barber to get his haircut? and what products do you suppose he uses for it to stay on his head so nicely while boulder tossing?
No products. He's an advocate of no poo.
no fucking way you can slick back 10 cm of hair from the front to back and have it stay firmly while tossing boulders lmao
unironically based
"Just fix me up real nice fham."
would be based if you weren't so skinny and liftin baby rocks
He also does no fap. Maybe that?
This. Just like you, I'm really not comfortable living in a world where an ape x asian mutant roams around looking for prey.
Looks like good exercise to be quite honest senpai.
Southern Slav here, tossing rocks is literally part of our tradition.
Lol stupid cave dwelling villagers. And to think some people pretend you built pyramids.
Well some people are dumb here, like everywhere.. what can I say..
>being this much of an attention seeking faggot.
Great routine, nice gains, incel level autism. Seriously, you sound like a fag, and you talk all retarded.
The constantly looking around to see if anyone has noticed you yet it's really fucking noticeable and really fucking cringey.
lol reminds me I've always wanted to get into highland games, tossing rocks and hammers and shit around seems pretty fun.
you can if you don't wash it for long enough
Thanks man. Thinking of going for WSM in a couple of years.
damn last time I watched this guy I was lurking /p/ in 2015
back in your hole, Scarborough trash
I want to start doing this country a favor by building squat racks out of scrap metal parts in public parks. Of course chained to the ground. As well as a barbell that is always on the squat rack, chained to the ground as well. Not sure about how to incorporate weights that won't get stolen, maybe put chains on them too? I dunno. I want the rack to be just as common as the pull up bars on or near playgrounds(parents can workout while kids play)
absolutely based, fuck the cucks in this thread
I shoulda been doing this during the break
Plenty of rocks around my house
the back flex is crazy
>"Yeah, police? He's back again...
> Yup. Same autistic asian kid throwing rocks and calling women 'thoughts...'
> Nah, he has the traps of a UNICEF kid, so any rookie should do fine unarmed."